
The Death Of Creative Progress

Brown Snail on Gray Concrete Surface

You've completed all the necessary groundwork so that unique idea which has been bouncing around inside your head can finally take off and... five, six months later... you are still sitting in front of the computer with your head full of reasons why your creation hasn't been given life. We've all experienced this procrastination and fear in varying degrees. Some people are able to overcome it quickly whilst others are ensnared so much they get overwhelmed. It is easy to get overly focused on results, expectations of perfection or fear of competition to cloud our judgement. In the fourteen years or so that I have been involved with Internet Marketing, undoubtedly this, the biggest emotional barrier to successful online entrepreneurship I have witnessed could be defined as a Creative Paralysis. This fear of failure and rejection is an issue that most business novices have experienced. It cocoons our deepest desires with indecision, preventing us from being vulnerable but at the same time assuring us that it is convenient to remain in a situation that fills us with loathing, rather than take the risk of stepping outside our comfort zone.

Creative paralysis or fear of failure. The words pierce the heart of any creative minded business person. Everyone with talent has experienced doubt and self-doubt every time anxiety, feelings of inadequacy and fear of rejection block creative progress. It's the harrowing sense that, no matter how hard you try, you're just going to mess things up again. This fear of failure is so wrong, since one of the principal actions of learning anything is through trial and error. Without experiencing mistakes and learning from them, we genuinely limit not only our individual experiences but also our personal growth.

We need to re-define failure as a normal part of risk-taking. When it happens, we should realize it's telling us to try a different approach, ask more appropriate questions from better qualified people. Failure is such an obvious part of learning that when failure happens, it should be seen as an opportunity for growth as well as a signal that it is now time to seek new methods and ideas to solve any problems. If this fear is stopping you from your goal and from what you really want to do, please, please change your concept of failure. Let go of the way you see failure and begin to envision your failures as important learning opportunities on the way to your eventual success. In other words, behold every failure as a step forward!

Your ONLY course of action to overcome the fear of failure is to keep on doing whatever it is you are trying to do, including any selective quality mentoring, until you achieve it. Realise that you are only human and however your work turns out, it will always have room for improvement, it will not be the epitome of infallible perfection. Unfortunately, when we are in this 'fear mode', we think we have to be absolutely fool-proof with our work but the problem with perfectionism is that nothing we produce will appear to be quite good enough. After all, we are only human, nothing we do will be perfect. Ask yourself, who defines perfection anyway and more to the point, who defines failure, but other hopelessly flawed humans not unlike ourselves.

Now let's look at how we can use fear of failure positively and start taking some risks. We have to understand that life itself is a risk and everything we do in life is a risk. Even the simple tasks like 'driving a vehicle'... you may be involved in an accident, or 'eating'... you could choke to death on a fish-bone, involve a degree of risk. However, despite the risks, we still elect to do what we wish to do in life. Understand that everything in life is determined how we handle fear of failure.

The bottom line is that you will require a rock solid positive attitude to push aside any feelings of fear brought on by previous poor performances. You must stand up to your fear and recognize that probably the worst thing that can ever happen to you is not failing, but failing to try again and again after you have failed. Unless you let go of these fears, you will not be able to accomplish your desired goals in life as the negative mind set you have already created lowers your possibilities. There is no such thing as failure if you keep on trying until you achieve your goal. Dismiss the word 'failure' from your vocabulary and replace 'failure' with 'success'.

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