
4 Ways to Drown Out the Fear (By Stephanie O'Brien)

woman jump on brown fence

I can write a whole book on fear (in fact, my current book focuses on that issue quite in depth). I write on the ways it shows up and robs people of their God given purpose and calling. When fear shows up, take that as a good sign. Fear is not good, but it's presence means you are close to something incredible.

Fear is the biggest thing I help coach my clients through. In my work with them, here is how I help them process through it:

1. Acknowledge the voices you are hearing and CHALLENGE them. Ask yourself what lies you are believing. Chances are you have put faith in a lie and accepted that as truth-otherwise you would be in a different place by now.

Here are the lies that I hear on a daily basis. See if you recognize the voice:

"Who do you think you are to... write, podcast, start a business, minister, speak, etc... ? You can't even do... (insert all of your weaknesses, defects, past failures, current struggles)" <=== the spirit of fear finds your weak spots and pushes those buttons. Don't give it the buttons to push.

"You're a joke, look at how bad you are at this. You will never be like (insert someone you admire or a person that is years ahead of you in experience or just has a different gifting and style than you). <====Comparison is a common tactic of the spirit of fear to steal, kill, and destroy your destiny.

"How arrogant/prideful/greedy (insert some other character defect) you are to charge for your services." <=== Accusations against your character (which are also lies) are another tactic.

There are many other ways the voice of fear speaks, but the above three seem to be commonly used. If you need help identifying if it's God's wisdom speaking or the spirit of fear look for the above mentioned things. (Weaknesses pushed, comparison, accusations).

2. Know God is greater. "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4) You are all created with a specific and unique purpose. You have a call on your life- and the enemy doesn't want you to get there. God uses your weakness for His glory (2 Cor 12:9).

3. Speak God's words against the voices. Afraid you don't have the resources to build your dream? God's word says He knows of and supplies your every need (Phil 4:19). You lack nothing. Right here and now, you have EVERYTHING you need to fulfill the call on your life. Take that step and watch Him be faithful to supply you with exactly what you need with every step.

4. The only way to overcome fear is to actually do what it is you are afraid of. Faith without action is dead. Dream of being a speaker but actually have a paralyzing fear of it? Take me for example... I know I will speak to the masses. It's been a dream downloaded in my heart for years and has continued to develop and get stronger as I have been a faithful steward of my dreams. Interestingly enough, I was so terrified of public speaking that I would take a hit on my grade in college whenever a presentation was part of the assignment.I refused to present. I would just skip class. That's how afraid I was. Now I speak in front of groups of people on a consistent basis. I have yet to speak in front of thousands, but I am growing and developing in my skill set. It's actually easier to speak in front of 300 people than 3 people (in my personal opinion).

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