
You Did Not Fail, You Just Found Another Way Not To Do It

woman jumping on hill during daytime

When you get it right, there is not any better feeling. When you do not get it right on the first try, you did not fail, you just found a way not to do it. Genuine success is a matter of genuine application of principles to succeed, especially when you "fail permanently" on the first few tries. Why do I put "fail permanently" in quotes, because the first few ways not to do something sometimes feel that way, especially when you have to regroup and try again. Indeed, winning on the first try is almost always luck and not skill. Winning after the first few tries is almost always skill unless you are playing genuine games of chance like roulette or the lottery.

Some of the best and lasting ultimate wealth making pay days come from skill used as I describe it. The luckiest one time breaks come from "instant luck" as I describe, and unless there is a fluke or cheating going on, the first "easy break" is not repeatable.

Failure and success is then relative to anyone who does it. If it is perceived as permanent, and the skill factor is ignored in ultimate repeating and genuine success, forget about the winning being genuine even if there is a "lucky break".

So, I can honestly say and have the realistic opinion that all genuine success comes from patient skill development, trial, error, and ultimate understanding of how to repeatedly succeed. The only real loss there is can be quitting time when considering this factor fully.

So, if you cannot win now, or you fail or fall now, get up and succeed later through skill development. The biggest losses come from depending on instant success anyway.

So, what does this article have to do with anger management: What makes people most angry when they try something for the first time for the most part? When it happens that they do not instantly succeed, the feelings of disappointment are there for everyone, I do not care who you are. Because, failure at anything on the initial try does feel disappointing in a way for all, even the most hardened of us as human beings and conscious beings. But when you hang on for ultimate success, that vindicates it all and is the most powerfully good feeling in existence, especially when you can skillfully repeat the success with knowledge and genuine understanding of what you are doing.,-You-Just-Found-Another-Way-Not-To-Do-It&id=8543012

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