
Which Foods Keep Your Brain Working Well?

Thanks to all the pressures of modern living, we all discover that from time to time, we are often too tired or stressed to think. Nevertheless, this may not be the case since there are varieties of readily available spices, drinks, and foods that we can consume, not only to boost or energize our memory and help us focus, but also to delay or reverse the onset of debilitating diseases which affect the brain such as the Alzheimer's Disease.

Sometimes we all lose interest or focus in whatever we are doing due to stress or fatigue. By good luck, there are some supplements or foods that can improve focus, memory, and concentration, in accordance with the recent research by the World Health Organization (WHO). If you combine and mix these 'brain foods' with daily exercise, good night's sleep and good hydration, you could significantly boost your brain power. So if you are searching for ways to boost your memory, enhance concentration and stay focused, you can check out these simple and readily available foods that will make you smarter like Einstein in no time.


Apples are the king of fruits and they are also known for the brain food. They are one of the foods that scientists say will contribute to overall good health, help you to think clearly and of course, boost your memory. We all know the old saying, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' and 'you are what you eat' which certainly stills holds true even today. So what makes the apple the top of this list? Well, they contain a certain group of compounds and nutrients such as pectin which are fiber, quercetin which protects and boosts memory, riboflavin which produces energy and lastly polyphenol which are strong antioxidants. These compounds help to protect the brain from the kind of damage that cause neuro degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Not only do they have brain power but they also help to lower blood cholesterol levels, build strong teeth and prevent the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol (a chemical process that turns it into an artery clogging plague). They also decrease the risk of liver, lung, colon, breast and other cancer as well as asthma and heart disease.What a wonderful fruit! Also, make sure that you eat the peel as the apple skin has 2 to 6 times the antioxidants as the flesh.Cherries, oysters, berries and even curry also have a high rank among foods that can help boost your brain, promote heart health and give you energy.


Did you know that cinnamon was worth more than gold to the ancient Egyptians? This is mostly because cinnamon was long believed to have healthy and medicinal properties which made it extremely valuable. There are thousands of man made supplements, food products and chemically manufactured tablets that claim to increase or boost brain power but none of these offers the delicious, tasty flavor cinnamon does. Even today, cinnamon is still one of the most consumed and used products in the world. It is a sweet smelling spice that has been found to boost and energize brain activity and help to relieve memory loss and nervous tension. Cinnamon is also a safe and tasty method to slow down the aging process. Chewing cinnamon flavored gum or just smelling it can help to improve and enhance the cognitive process. It also contains a chemical compound known as sodium benzoate which is used to treat neural disorders. Cinnamon has 3 active compounds which make it so nutritious such as the Cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl alcohol and cinnamyl acetate. It also contains a flavonol range and other antioxidants along with a remarkable amount of fiber, calcium, and manganese. These compounds have proved to boost memory, curb food cravings, reverse or delay cognitive impairment and benefit Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and diabetic patients. Cinnamon is indeed nature's wonder spice.


Coffee is the planets most single valuable traded food commodity with more than 2 billion cups enjoyed worldwide daily. It's effectiveness as a high-performance brain fuel continues to make it liquid gold and it is not surprising that it's main active ingredient is caffeine. Coffee helps you to wake up in the mornings and keeps you active throughout the day. So how does this magic ingredient help boost your brain? Well, as the caffeine hits the brain it suppresses a neurotransmitter known as adenosine, which influences alertness, concentration, and attention. It works up on your brain during the day just like a mercury rising in the thermometer. Caffeine also stimulates brain chemicals such as dopamine and glutamate which helps and gives you an energy surge, improve your mental performance and slows down the age related mental decline. It also increases serotonin (a major mood influencer) and improves learning up to 10 percent. Caffeine has even proved to relieve headaches and migraines, benefit Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and type 2 diabetic patients. There is also a downside to coffee since caffeine can affect sleep patterns and evidence also suggests that there's an association between daily intake of caffeine, day time sleepiness and sleep quality.Coffee is truly a perfect method to energize and boost your brain.


Today chocolate is considered an anti flammatory, anti aging 'superfood' for both the brain and the body. But how does this lenient treat live up to its plug? Eating amounts of dark chocolate is guaranteed to have many health benefits as they assist the brain to release chemicals known as endorphins (which help the brain to function much better). The studies examining the health benefit of chocolate continue to show new and appealing benefits of chocolate, especially in the realms of mood, cognitive function, and heart or blood vessel health. Also eating chocolate can improve anxiety and depression symptoms and help improve feelings of contentedness. If you consume the right kinds of chocolate every day, they can help to keep your mind sharp and alert, keep your cardiovascular pumping and keep your mood happy and calm. For instance, cocoa chocolate and dark chocolate are best known to boost attention, working memory speed, brain processing speed and speech fluency (even to the elderly). These chocolates are a rich source of flavanols, which are compounds that boost the brain activity and enhance mood effects as well. You can eat as little as a third chocolate per day to increase the blood flow to your brain and also protect yourself against age related issues such as memory loss.


According to the latest news in nutrition, eggs are now back from exile just on time to help the aging America from memory loss. Eggs, and especially the yolk, have received a lot of attention with controversy over their cholesterol content. So how do eggs actually help to boost the memory? Well, as it turns out, eggs are packed with choline, that your brain converts to acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter that assists the brain cells to keep the memories intact and communicates with each other). With less than 80 calories each, eggs are comparatively loaded with protein and they have a low calorie. Eggs are also packed with cholesterol which made them end up on the 'bad for you' list in the first place over the past few decades.One York has 200 mg of cholesterol, and for many years, it was believed that dietary cholesterol was the major contributor and cause of heart disease. But it appears that it was mistaken much like the tenacious myth that skims milk is much healthier than whole milk. Eggs contain many nutritive elements that your brain and other body cells need every day. They are rich in choline, vitamin B12, and folate which is good for boosting g your memory.


Your body was designed to work in a specific way just like any other machine that has specific instructions about what it requires and how to keep it operating optimally. Over 70 per cent of your body is made of water and every function in the body depend on the water including the activities of the nervous system and the brain. Your body is also composed of a delicate balance of minerals, electrons, and organic compounds most of which are supplied through the water that you drink. Therefore, it is proven that if you're not well hydrated, it can affect your focus, cause headaches, lead to memory loss, cause depression, sleeping problems, anger issues and brain fatigue. Drinking water provides your brain with enough electrical energy for all the brain functions including memory processes. You will also be able to think fast, be more focused, experience great creativity and clarity and even reduce the risk of neurotransmitter diseases. It is quite easy to integrate a few supplements or foods that will enhance your memory and focus in your daily diet. You can take an egg in the morning, a cup of green tea after lunch, some curry in your spaghetti sauce at supper time and a lot of water to keep the brain working well.


No doubt you have possibly heard that eating fish can make you smarter, which to some extent is completely true. Eating oily fish that are high in the essential omega 3 or fatty acids such as salmon, trout, sardines tilapia and other fish can help to boost the brain. Fatty acids that are found in fish and seafood are crucial components of our brain cells and they improve learning strength and memory function by up to 15 per cent. Studies show that eating food rich in omega 3 can boost the blood flow of the brain, improve the performance of mental tasks and reduce the risks of suffering from neurotransmitter diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia. Also by eating oily fish, you can increase your brain size in later life and also help to prevent age related mental decline. Fish have added the benefit of containing the nutrient choline (a chemical which is essential for memory). Since the solid (non-water) part of your brain is composed of fat, you must provide it with 'good fats' or the essential fatty acids through your diet because the body doesn't produce them. Fish is really an amazing brain food.


A single bunch of spinach can perform wonders for your brain. Spinach was long promoted as the food which gave Popeye his convex muscles. Spinach is loaded with antioxidants which scientists say could block the effects of the free radicals, toxins produced by the body which damage cells and cause cancer, strokes and heart disease. It is also a great source of folate and a kind of vitamin K and vitamin E which help to boost the brain memory. It contains flavonoids that act as potent antioxidants which slow the effects of aging on the brain. It also boosts learning capacity and motor skills. A few leaves of cooked spinach loads a third of foliate and 5 times the amount of Vitamin K that you require in a day. Maybe this is why a neurology study in 2006 reveals that eating three plates of leafy-green, cruciferous and yellow vegetables a day can reverse or delay cognitive decline by 40 percent. Spinach has not only proved to help the brain but it also gives a knock-out punch to cancer and it even protects and improves eyesight. Spinach is packed with high-quality nutrition enough to make you feel like the bulging Popeye.


Grape juice contains protein, fiber, copper, iron, potassium, folate vitamins A, K, C and B2. They are also rich in polyphenols and natural sugar, which must be consumed in moderation. Therefore, including a glass of tasty grape juice in your daily diet might just boost your memory and your brain performance. It also helps those who live a stressful lifestyle like working mothers. Studies show that by adding a glass of grape juice (especially concord grape juice) to the daily diet might boost memory function and performance of highly stressed people and even in elder people with mild declines of memory. Concord grape juice is a rich and good source of polyphenols and potent antioxidants which mop up or clear harmful reactive species of oxygen which have been recognized as the key to the ageing process. So by consuming or adding concord grape juice to your daily diet for about three months you may boost your spatial memory and drive performance. Grape juice not only helps to boosts your memory but it also protects you from cancer, lowers bad cholesterol, improves cardiovascular health, fights fatigue and it improves eyesight. It is also evident that grape juice also has a long term effect which can allow you to consistently maintain a better performance even when you have stopped drinking it.


Iron deficiency is the most common condition that is often linked to numerous adverse effects like diminished intelligence, short attention span and difficulty in concentrating. Iron is a required nutrient for it the production of hemoglobin (the component in red blood cells that carries oxygen and delivers it to the tissues). If iron becomes deficient in your body, hemoglobin levels can fail and then cause anemia. Iron also participates in the making of the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) like dopamine and serine which have broadly advantageous effects on the brain function and mood as well. An easy blood test is conducted to determine whether you have iron deficiency. Study shows that adult women require 18 mg of iron every day, post menopausal women and men require 8 mg every day. Adding more iron rich foods will not automatically boost your brain power, but being even mildly deficient in iron could negatively impact memory, learning and attention span. Chicken livers are on offer the top sources of food that is rich in iron, with 12.8mg per 3 - ounce serving. Even though they are high in cholesterol, they are comparatively low in saturated fat. Other sources of food that are rich in iron are oysters (with nearly 10 mg per dozen) and the lean beef (with 6 mg per ounces). Also beans, vitamin C and iron fortified cereals help the body to absorb iron.


If you want to slow down your ageing process and also preserve your brain's activity and vitality, the secret to doing so is by taking blackberries. These juicy and delicious berries have a phenomenal anti oxidant properties which boost your brain power and nourish your body. They contain high amounts of ellagic acid and garlic acid, a well known chemo preventative (with anti bacterial and anti viral properties). They are also rich in fiber and vitamin C which have been shown to help decrease the risks of certain cancers. They have low carbohydrates, calories (70 calories per cup)and they have no fat. This means that you can take a lot of this stupendous fruit without having the guilt or sabotaging you weight loss target or objectives. These taste and delicious fruit contains several micro nutrients which work wonders on your body. Blackberries are indeed an amazing superfruit.

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