
To Succeed You Need a Compelling Reason Why! (By Anne O'Dwyer)

woman using dumbbells

Why is it that so many new resolutions fail after a few weeks or months? Have you ever started a project full of enthusiasm only later to lose interest and abandon it. Do you always finish a book? Have you learnt that language you started, it seemed a great idea last summer! Did you keep up your gym membership for more than 6 months and did you use it regularly? How about your plan to lose weight, did you lose more that 2 pounds and keep the weight off?

Why do we start a new venture full of enthusiasm, and at the first few hurdles lose interest? The ANSWER is we need a compelling "reason why"! If you have a really important reason to continue you are likely to do so. Something really important that will keep you on track despite the hurdles, brick walls, or alternative distractions. You must continually visualize the final picture and think how important it will be to achieve it. Enjoy the feelings and satisfaction of the end result. This must happen daily or even hourly, really "see" how it will benefit you.

It is this that will drive you to success, you will be enlisting the help of your subconscious mind; which in fact is your willing servant waiting to help you achieve. However if you don't give it clear instructions about your desire it cannot help you. If sometimes you are positive and sometimes doubting how does it know what you aim is? There is no need to rely on will-power when you could have all the assistance you need. Just be single-minded about your end result. Your journey may change direction a little if you hit "road blocks" but concentrate on the end result to reach it like a laser beam.

For example it's not so much you want to lose 10 pounds or 3 stone but why do you want to lose weight, what difference will it make to your life, how will you feel, what great advantages will it give you? How will it affect relationships or in what fantastic ways will you gain.

When I was left with 3 children to bring up I used this method. I needed a teaching job to give me school holidays, I love children so it seemed the obvious solution but I didn't have an exam to my name, except in nursing. I set out to achieve my goal and in a few years was the proud owner of a teaching certificate. All this despite it meant a trip of 70 miles a day, and I didn't drive at the time! That is another story, but it is an example of what you can do if your desire is great enough.

I have since moved on to other things now the youngsters have flown the nest. I have learnt basic computer skills and set up a small internet business. So if you are doubting your ability to achieve your dreams, take heed, most things are possible if the desire is compelling enough.

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