
Thoughts About Creativity (By German Calvo)

person holding click pen

I don't want to believe that most people can not be creative, that you have to be genius in order to show some creativity, and yet, for me it seems like creativity is something really difficult to achieve. Why is this? Well this is a good moment to have thoughts about creativity and see how this article flows...

Probably those who are very creative on their passions, perhaps in the arts, or in sports, especially team sports, can tells us that creativity is something that we all are able to experience. Come to think of it, I used to play Football (soccer for you in the USA) and now that I think back, even I did things that were really creative and spontaneous in the field that not only I enjoyed, other people and my team mates enjoyed too.

On this very topic, this morning I finished reading the second book that Jordan Belfort wrote: "Catching The Wolf of Wall Street" and towards the end, he started to narrate how at the beginning he thought his writing was rubbish and his cell-mate also said it was useless as well. But then, reading a single book several times by Tom Wolfe: "The Bonfire Of The Vanities" changed his mind and the mental block was gone.

Wow! Both Jordan's books are brilliantly written and very funny and extremely brutal in their personal explicitness. It was like a personal exorcism of spectacular proportions. Now, I can't write either and I've tried to get the kindle edition of 'The Bonfire Of The Vanities' to see how I can learn from it too, only to find Amazon doesn't have it for that medium... I may end up buying the soft cover version instead.

Well then, what is creativity? It can be, I suppose, either a sudden spark of inventive activity or a series of steps that can be learned like exercising a muscle toward something rewarding that can be appreciated not only by you but by many people as well... Perhaps are results that come from paced effort or from sporadic brilliance, I don't exactly know really.

Yet I want to believe that many people could have brilliant creativity even, out of a concerted effort and desire to learn measured steps toward its attainment. I want to believe that many people are able to appreciate things, to take steps to build a muscle of creativity either in their personal life or in their business life, why not in both.

If for instance, you take up drawing, yes drawing portraits or landscapes views, are you going to be great when you just start to do them? Probably not! OK, may be not at first, but imagine you go on to draw many portraits and you start really liking drawing portraits; do you think you are not going to build a muscle that creates powerful and even beautiful portraits? I would bet that you could, especially if you had the desire to do them.

That was an example and really that activity could be extended to many other facets of creativity. It is something that is all around us if we just care to look for it and step out of our comfort zone to practice what is necessary to bring it out to the surface.

In business, in online business too, there are so many activities which can benefit from creative output, like writing sales letters for selling your products, or making videos, audios and creating stunning graphics for your presentations and a lot more besides.

One of the most important things on creativity is just starting to move, get a grip on starting that which takes your fancy, or better still, that which needs doing creatively. Because once you start, the muscle begins to build more and more, which at the same time confidence is increasing with every experience or step that you take.

May be we should all me reminded of the artists who spend most of their time developing their art; can they become more creative that way? You bet they can, in fact they do so it is a good incentive, knowing this, for all of us to try to increase the muscle of creativity that most probably exist in almost all of us.

To your success

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