
Power Of Intention With Words

selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers

The power of words is something most people tend to overlook. The mind works in incredible ways, with unlimited potential to create whatever it is that is desired and focused upon. One of the challenges people experience is based simply on what they choose to say. The words come from a thought pattern, which is what the mind is focused upon and as a result, will become reality. Some people are naturally positive in their thought patterns, keeping their chin up, focused on the end result, allowing for hurdles and obstacles to be learning experiences moving them toward success, instead of failures causing them to halt. Others, the majority of people, get wrapped up in the drama of daily life, forgetting about their dreams and desires, instead letting life lead them down whatever the path may be.

Some examples of unintentional speech include:

I'd rather die before I'd do...
You're killing me...
We'll just have to see what happens...
You never know what tomorrow will bring...
I'm so sick and tired...
I'm so broke...
I can't afford it...
I can't do...
I have no time...

The list goes on and on, and I am certain by now you have the gist of the idea and quite possibly you recognize a statement or two as something someone you may know (perhaps intimately?) says on a regular basis.

Changing your thought patterns takes time, consistency, deliberate focus and patience.

The first step is to become aware of your habits in relation to the words you choose. I have a friend who is constantly saying "I'll just do this and we'll see what happens." She never sets a specific intention as to what she envisions the result of her actions will be. That is a key part of shifting your life's direction to the path you desire.

Using statements that focus on a positive, specific outcome are critical. Feelings are a direct result of the connection between what your body and mind and the correlation between what you have been taught feels good v. what is stressful or negative. We have all been programmed through our life experiences - some good, some not so good. The beautiful thing about life is that we can CHANGE our programming with an intentional focus on what we CHOOSE to bring into our lives. And the only person who gets to CHOOSE what the life we live looks like, is YOU!!

Set your intentions, be specific, choose your speech wisely and for positive benefit to yourself and others and make it happen!!!

You can manifest all the bounty you desire NOW!!

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