
Message From the Universe: The Love Triangle

woman wearing white top and black pants standing on cliff

"When a thing hurts your eyes, stop looking at it.

When it hurts your ears, stop listening to it.

And when it hurts your heart, stop justifying it.

I love you so much,
The Universe"

Physical pain dissipates quickly, but emotional pain can stay with you for the rest of your life. People uses words towards others without really understand the ramification it can have to the receiver. You need to realize that every word you say can have either a positive or negative impact in someone's life. You can take someone's money, belongings or any other assets and they will recover, but it can be hard to recover pride and respect for yourself when someone have crossed the boundaries. It is said that in relationship, emotional unfaithfulness is worse than physical. It is true because of the fact that once someone leave the relationship emotionally, because of someone else, it is hard to get them back to invest into the relationship. When physical unfaithfulness occurs, the culprit lives in regrets and feels embarrassed and ashamed of their behavior. They will feel more inclined to do whatever it takes to regain the trust back from their significant other, if, of course, the latter is willing to give them another chance.

In the grand scheme of things, people will have the tendency to use words that can have an impact towards others ONLY if they feel that the other person will listen and take their message into account. When you let others control your feelings, you give them the power, you give them ammunition to further pursue their objective in bringing you down and keep you there permanently if you let it happen. Words can hurt, yes, but ONLY from the ones that you are willing to let that happen. You can control your own emotions, so ignore the things YOU do not want to hear, ignore the things YOU do not want to see, and if you really love someone and feel pain because of their behavior towards you, stop justifying their behavior and leave the relationship IMMEDIATELY. Life is not made to suffer when you have control over it. Toxic relationship will bring you down faster than you can blink your eyes. You might think you can change that person, well DREAM ON. You really can't. One more thing, if your previous relationship have been toxic in nature, and that your ex was taking control of your life by telling you what to do and when to do it, and after leaving that relationship you promised yourself to NEVER be in that position but focus on controlling the next relationship, you are GUARANTEED to fail. The next relationship will quickly see your games and will dump you faster than a lightning strike. Learn your lessons but do not take revenge on the next person because of how you were treated on the previous one.

Life is filled with lessons to be learned and acquired. We pursue our dreams, works on ourselves to become better people. We focus on being healthy to enjoy what life has to offer and do our best to spend time with loved ones. Do not let others stress you because they are stressed and depressed about their own lives. You can help them but do not let their negativity take over your life and get depressed as well. When you do your best to help them with no results, they will need professional help and it is your duty to let them go seek that help. You are not their savior so try NOT to act as one. This is not selfishness, it is to keep yourself sane and healthy. There is nothing wrong with that.

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