
Get Your Mind Out of a Box: Boosting Creativity at Work

man holding incandescent bulb

It's psychological, isn't it? Creativity involves being open to new ideas and also being willing to learn new ways. But how do you get your old brain, used to new ideas?

Start with a new habit. One woman set a lifetime goal for herself: Whatever her age, she set a goal for that year to do that many new things. At age 50, she wanted to try 50 new things, at 60, she wanted to try 60 new things. By the time she was 70, she wanted to try 70 new things that year. Of course when she was younger the challenges were bigger, but as she grew older some of the new things were really quite small. She might try a different flavor of ice cream, or go home by a different route. She learned that even these little changes had a dramatic effect on how she thought. She felt more alive, relaxed and creative.

Do any of you have a color of clothes you won't wear? Do you here have a payment method they won't use? How about a hairstyle you definitely won't consider? In your work world, it may be a type of work you won't do, or it could be new technology you want work with. Break these habits and create a new one.

The habit of 'Yes' is crucial. If you can say 'Yes' more often your mind will open up. Relearn the words: "Maybe I can... " and "Sure, I can do that... " And not only will people see you more positively, but you will find yourself doing new things with a wide open horizon.

Still in a rut? Try turning your day up-side down. Stay up later, or wake up earlier. People who stay up later feel more creative. People who wake up earlier feel more effective. Sometimes a one day change can break a creative block. Switch your routines. You will find yourself meeting different people and exposed to different ideas.

Try drinking more coffee for just a day. People who try this find themselves not-too-surprisingly stimulated. For an extra kick, try this with a friend. You will find yourselves brainstorming away.

Keep a pen and paper on the nightstand. People tend to be less inhibited at night and frequently have their best ideas--just at the time they are too tired to act on these ideas. Try writing down these inspirations as they occur, but acting on them in the morning.

Incorporate some fun and humor in your life. Take in a standup comic's show, or watch a funny movie. Humor relaxes people and lets the creative juices flow. For even more boost, bring a friend along. Having fun is better with others.

If you need more creativity at work, consider bringing some humor and fun to work. Share cartoons, or jokes with coworkers.

Also at work consider sharing your admiration. Ask people what they like about their job. As you find more people with interesting 'takes' on their work world, you may find yourself agreeing. Sharing a little of what you like tends to make people happier and better balanced. Creativity will flow in a relaxed, pleasant environment.

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