
Get Out Of The Dark City Of Anger

woman wearing white cardigan sitting on bed

Before you begin this article, breathe deeply a few times and get rational. That is a start in the right direction. To get out of the dark city of anger, you must first relax, for anger is an aberration of the spirit. Every time I even start to get angry at certain situations, I remember this fact, and remember that what I am even starting to get angry about shall pass into the next moment where it is solved or it solves itself. Sure, that sounds a little scary to let go of anger even in extreme situations, but, ultimately that is the way to go. Shining light on all things reveals them fully, including the things to "get angry about".

I remember my Dad, Joe, had a temper, but he could get incredibly patient, insufferable, reasonable and logical when it came time to be. This factor in him scared my Mom at times when she was younger. Now she copies him in dealing with her current life. This factor to be patient, insufferable, reasonable and logical is something in my genes, sure, but I consciously developed it to the point where I just take care of problems instead of letting them make me actively angry or foolish.

Letting anger get the best of you is a dark city made out of houses and buildings of cards in that at the time the problem is happening, it seems serious. But after the problem happens, it is not serious, it may even seem comical. When I think about reality, it is a process of growth and not a fixed problem to "deal with" like the houses and buildings of cards that are here today and another thing the next.

So, look, anything can be dealt with, even death when the time comes. It can all be dealt with in an effective way, right down to curing that ultimate disease. I even venture to say this: Who knows, like a crab can grow a new claw, maybe we can become immortal through ultimate development of our minds in the same way the crab grows a new claw. Like I said, anything in life and existence can be dealt with effectively including death. Experiencing death in peace or living life more effectively and competently. So, think of this, anger suppressed or overt, causes heart attacks, strokes and untimely deaths. Happiness prolongs life and causes peace. It is up to you.

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