
Dealing With Frustration And Anger

woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime

Life is full of frustrations. It stems from minor irritations to major problems. Being able to manage frustration is a must in order for us to remain happy and positive even in the midst of challenging circumstances. It occurs when a person is blocked from reaching the desired outcome. We feel irritable and angry when we do not reach our desired goals. The more important the goal is, the greater the frustration and anger or loss of confidence we feel.

We experienced this every time our expectations aren't met. It occurs whenever our actions are producing less and fewer results than we think they should. It usually involves the disappointment that we get when we cannot have what we want as a result of lack of confidence or fear of social situations.

The physical roadblocks we encounter in life including other people and things that get in the way of our goals cause also our frustrations for just a waste of time. We cannot avoid things that are out of control. We can do something about it, but sometimes there is just nothing we can do about it.

Although the situation is upsetting and frustrating, we do not have to be frustrated. Acceptance is the key to avoid frustration. We can also use our frustrations as a useful motivator to change. However, when it results in anger, irritability, stress, resentment, depression, it can be destructive.

It is always a challenge to keep your anger and frustrations in check. Anger is a normal emotion that needs to be dealt with it in a positive way. Uncontrolled anger can have an adverse effect on your health and your relationships. It can also lead to frustration. Always stay in control because you might regret what you say on impulse because your rational thinking is clouded by that moment.

Once your mind is already clear, express your frustration in an assertive but professional way. State your concerns and needs clearly without offending others or trying to control them. Work on resolving the issues at hand rather than focusing on the details that make you mad. Bear in mind that anger won't fix anything and might only make it worse.

Even if you had bad experiences in your life but it doesn't mean that it would always be like that. Don't lash out your frustration on other people. When it gets out of hand, it can be destructive and can lead to more problems at work, in relationships and in the overall quality of your life.

Anger can be a healthy response if it motivates us to do a positive act but all too often the actions we engage in when angry are destructive because frustration can lead us to act without thinking.

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