
Confusion, Conflict and Chaos

Confusion in a literal sense means is the state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something. It is also defined that an individual is in a state of disorientation due to many reasons. What is important is to find out the reasons of his confusion? At the outset, most people fall victim to confusion due to health reasons. However, a healthy person can be confused due to conflicting options available to him. Here, analyzing within the context will pave the way towards the correct conclusion. Nevertheless, people with less confident or lack of knowledge will become the victim of confusion.

It is advisable to listen patiently to those who have rational and composed on the subject. Their reasoning is comprehensive, substantial and convincing. Therefore, paying attention to the person and listening with concentration will paint a clear picture into his mind. He comes out of confusion and becomes productive and logical.

By and large, Conflict in groups arises due to different course of action among themselves. Although each member within the group justifies their views, thereby, disagree over the core issue. It is interesting to note that generally, every conflict returns to negotiation table at some point of time. The period of conflict varies subject to political, social, economic and cultural differing opinions. What has since been conspired or transpired between the groups within the time frame is very interesting? It is a fact that time is the best healer hence conflicts resolved to lead to compromise and accommodation of each other's needs.

I am specifying the core concept concerning group conflicts by Donelson R Forsyth, a social and personality psychologist. He narrowed down the group conflicts into four basic emotions:

1. Envy

2. Contempt

3. Pity

4. Admiration

Elaborating each emotion reduces down the preliminary issue to reconciliations. Again, it revolves around compromise and agreement within its means and objectives.

The effect of confusion becomes chaotic, and it needs to be understood comprehensively. The meaning and definitions of Chaos are varying subject to Mythology, Philosophy and Religion. It is written in books that in Greek mythology, according to Hesiod (Ancient Greek poet), chaos is the first thing to exist. In Cosmogony (The branch of science that deals with the origin to the universe, especially the solar system), it is the concept in classical creation myths. In Chaos magic, it is a branch of occultism. Chaos, especially in biblical usage, is a chasm or abyss.

It is conclusively defined that mathematically very few systems are truly chaotic, and we cannot apply these proofs to physical systems. Therefore, all difficult decisions in life are executed under uncertainty. Thus, Chaos theory gives better support to our decision-making.

In religion, the concept and meaning vary dramatically among different faith. However, in Islam, lack of certainty, and lack of believe in the faith give birth to doubt. The cardinal point is the clarity of mind in faith one practices. That is the point to ponder!

Furthermore, in a common man's language chaos is the bi-product of confusion and conflict jeopardizing the otherwise normal situation. The dynamic situation is to integrate the values arising out of chaotic situations. The rest becomes rhythmic oscillation between confusion and conflict. The chord can be harmonious if people involved are finely tuned; otherwise, it turned into chaotic situations. The cycle of uncertainty will eventually evolve into the positive outcomes. Then people will say, "All is well that ends well.",-Conflict-and-Chaos&id=9768696

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