
Intelligence System Points to Ponder

This is an interesting topic to reflect upon. The human mind is heavily influenced by preconceived ideas, regulations, actions and reactions accordingly. Edward de Bono says, "Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven." At this juncture, many heads will roll and debate constructively and argue heatedly resulting is what is observed and what is deduced. The former is about a person's intelligence and the latter is about what the system dictates.

It is said that normal people do different things, but intelligent people do it differently. Peter Tait headmaster of the Sherburne Preparatory School says, "Measuring intelligence through examination is, inevitably, as limited as the examination itself. It will not identify many of those we instinctively know to be intelligent." A healthy and objective debate shows how people reflect upon and evaluates values which are constructive and thought-provoking.

There are different schools of thought of diversified interest enumerating many scholars differing in opinions and arguments. They concur with those who believe in judging people by the specific form of tests are deficient in highlighting their intelligence. Academicians warn, "Exams do not determine success in life; on the contrary, creativity squeezed out of schools." At this juncture, it is important and desirable to segregate children of different level of mental capabilities. This task is best performed by parents since they are the main evaluators, who can understand and assess their abilities within the home environments. In addition, the teachers and friends' influence matter a lot in shaping children's creative personality. Parents should observe and discuss with children by taking them into confidence. It will help them in many ways.

It is easy to make a statement or plan an action of result-oriented strategy. Here, it is important to ensure that the home environment is conducive to sincerity of all concerned. Children are very keen observers and possess probing mind. Whatever they see or hear, it is directly transformed into their sub- conscious system and remained there as a dormant file. The information is instantly flashed back as and when appropriate situation arises. Now it is our duty as parents and other family members to make sure that we all provide pleasant and encouraging situations for children to reach the dizzy heights of their intelligence.

Tests or examinations do evaluate an outstanding candidate among the competitors, however, these technic lack the ability to segregate a genius. Here, many parents' behavior changes once their children failed to come up to the required standard. This is the cardinal error committed by all such parents. They not only kill the instinct of a child to achieve success in life, but also make them withdraw to be a dumb and weak child.

The best age and a place to invest in children is the prep school. It is the foundation for the next 10-12 years of schooling. At the outset, it is ignored by both parents and the public alike. They do not pay attention to the core concept and greatest values it displays. It is the cardinal point which progressively builds character, social awareness and human values. In Islam, there are four stages which are the phases of growth from infancy to mature grown-up man.

  1. From birth until seven years treat children like a Prince
  2. From seven years to Fourteen years treat them like a Slave. (Here it does not refer to being a bonded labor) Parents should seriously introduce and implement discipline in every aspect of life.
  3. From Fourteen to Twenty-one treat them like a Deputy.
  4. From Twenty-one to Twenty-eight treat them like a Minister
Summing up the argument, parents, teachers, and working colleagues and in charges should observe and evaluate their potential talents in the field in which he/she displays his/her intelligence. At no stage never ever belittle or condemn them; you will be killing their initiative and drive and make them a failure. We must encourage and help them to explore and implement the talents in the areas where they excel and become beneficial to all. The growing age along with constructive support from everybody's concern will transform individuals to reflect within themselves and acquire dizzy height of knowledge. Their abilities and intelligence will become the beacon of light to humanity. Therefore, we should never restrict assessing individual and group intelligence by conducting exams alone. Remember, exams and tests are conducted to know what has been taught and how much you have remembered and benefitted from it.

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