
Build People Up

Photo of Two Women Sitting While Laughing

We All have gifts and talents that we naturally master. While others seldom wonder "How we do certain things", we can't even give them explanations as to how we effortlessly do them.

One of my most precious gifts is to "Build People Up". I can help people become more aware of their divine magnificence, make them feel like a "Million Box" as well as empower/inspire them to reach their goals & live their dreams. How do I do it? I often ask myself that question and honestly the answers I get are:

I BELIEVE in the human potential, because of that when I connect with someone, I can Feel and See in my mind what they are capable of or not...

I BELIEVE that skills can be learned and talents mastered so blessed is the one willing to Pay the Price of mastery with Passion, Persistance & Purpose

I BELIEVE that Success, Wealth & Power are within the reach of the Ones who desire it. Yes, some people are born in environments more propice to facilitate all of the above; however, many have acquired these without pre-existing privileges.

Before Building Them Up, the pre-requisite is a thorough inquiry aka one-on-one heart to heart connection to get to the roots of the clients' desires and build a solid base for results from the get-go.

Sometimes, we see people living their lives and we wish that they would have something different, have what we have or more but we neglect to Ask them if they are happy and to find out what they really want.

I have some very happy and content relatives who live in remote villages without electricity and modern day conveniences but they do not get up every morning and complain about their way of life. They farm their land; spend time in nature, do the things they love and thank God for their blessings. Some of them are very happy and would not live any other way.

I also have some very rich friends who are happy and others who are miserable despite the abundance in their daily life, the luxury & the millions in the bank.

So in my humble opinion, instead of assuming that others want what we have or what we desire; it is better to ask them:
1- What they REALLY want or desire
2- Why do they want it?
3- By When?
4- Impact of having it and it having it

This will allow us to get a very clear understanding of what is in their hearts & minds. This makes the "Building Up" process easier and more relevant.

There are several methods that can be used, one of them is the "WHY" questioning process: this consists of asking "WHY" over and over again like an eager 5 year old looking for answers until you get to the Roots.

Do not do it to annoy people, watch your tone, do it gently, look for signs, watch their body language, feel their energy while you focus on getting the right answers for them.

I actually enjoy this process and find it very effective because it can be fun and often connects to childhood memories so the client feels safer sometimes and even amused/emotional.

This method doesn't work with Everyone, that is why coaching is so fun, you get to study your clients and figure out the best method is for each client so you can help them get RESULTS.

PS: Sometimes people want something that they Already have, therefore, making them Aware of it becomes part of the coaching process. You would be surprised with the results you get with some clarity processes to bring up the real issues as well as the Best in People.

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