
Why and How You Need To Be Creative

                   Man Making Clay Pot
If you suffer from stress and depression, you will be pleased to know that you can do something about it. You need to start by scheduling some relaxation time into your day and do something creative. Not only will you be relaxing, but also stimulating your mind and activating the more creative side of your brain.

Now many people are feeling the need to get back to the basics in order to improve the quality of their lives. A creative moment here and there might be just what you need to recharge your batteries, connect with your inner self and restore your soul. You may say, but I am too busy for this, but believe me, scheduling some time into each day or even week will be well worth your while.

For me, it is scrapbooking, but maybe for you it will be something different. There are many wonderful things to do out there, even if you don't have an artistic bone in your body. Other ideas include: Mosiac, Painting, Pottery, Decoupage, Needle Work or Embroidery, Knitting, Basket Weaving, Beading, Sugar Craft, Gilding, Crochet, Candle Making, Calligraphy, Flower Arranging, Quilling, Pewter... and so on. The list is endless, and you are guaranteed to find something that you will enjoy doing.

The benefits of crafting are endless, including enjoyment, social interaction - if you attend classes, stress relief, instant gratification and self-expression. You will develop your sense of self-worth, and give some value and meaning to your day. Your mind is forced to focus on something unique and nurturing and you can bring back your childlike wonder at colours, shapes and textures. Best of all you can escape to a world away from everyday responsibilities. You will be amazed at your own ability to create new things from scratch.

Here are some suggestions to keep you going when you feel uninspired or have little or no time for yourself:

Write with a different colour pen.

Draw a Flower.

Tie a colourful ribbon around your wrist and think creative thoughts every time you look at it.


Play your music really loudly.

Ask your best friend to come and bake some cookies with you.

Finger Paint!

Troll the internet for pictures to inspire you.

Replace plain buttons on your favourite top with funky or vintage buttons to create a new look.

Cover an old frame with felt to give it a new look.

Do ink blotting like when you were a child.

Colour in a picture.

Duct tape the ends of an old pool noodle together and make a wreath.

Go outside and observe the colour combinations used in nature.

Cut some strips of paper and paper weave them.

This is your life so do what you love, and do it often. And remember this: 'Crafting Forever, Housework Whenever.'

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