
Weigh Positive

  Person Sitting in Front of Body of Water

Weigh the scales of your fortune firmly to the positive. Fill your days creating rather than negating. Let your story today be what you want, rather than what you do not.

A good way to start your day is with a surplus of positive attitude and at the end of the day, drift off with one positive thought.

As each day passes, your positive desires will stir and begin to gain momentum. As you follow your interests, you'll discover what you want most in life. Your purpose will be defined. You'll have a course in life, a map to gain your bearings when you feel lost.

Focus on things that make you feel to good counter balance the things that make you feel bad. Find success by living your life by your own choice. Rewrite your scripts. You are the creator of your life's story.

Practices for a happier tomorrow:

  • Wake up first thing in the morning and think of all the positive things that could happen that day.
  • Go to bed on a good note and let your subconscious sleep on it.
  • Ask yourself often, "What is lovely in my life?"
  • Stay away from what distracts you.
  • Listen to good music, dance.
  • Walk in nature.
  • Take a bath.
  • Rub your hands and feet.

As start working through working on improving your positive outlook, don't be afraid to ask for help, if you need it. Have faith that solutions are there for the asking. Ask for help to manifest your intention. Hold your left hand up (left receiving hand) and believe with all your heart it is already manifesting and say thank you, vibrate with appreciation.
Ask to release the fear and to help you have courage. Ask for what you need and then believe the help is on the way and say thank you, know it is happening. Allow yourself to feel safe and to receive more and more.

You can also pray to be blessed with the solution to your problem. You can ask for a meeting with the highest council before you sleep to have all your issues strategically maneuvered. You can just offer your problems up and trust the solutions will come to you as you need them. If you jive with angels you can ask them for help. If you go with highest good you can invoke it into your day.

Invoke the goddess if she works for you. Call power to you, it is yours in the form of acceptance that works for you. Ask, expect, and allow the receipt of your desires to flourish.

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