
Tragedy (Why)

WHY do you want to achieve those goals/ dreams? Is it because people around you have the same goals that you admire? Let me say, you are too smart to have your own goals to pursue and achieve them. WHY do you want to further those studies? Is it because you just want to? Unfortunately, that's not a solid reason. It will not push you to do more since there is no motive from why are you doing it. Is it because everyone else around you is doing the same, so you feel like you are left out. I need you to know that you don't need to move because everyone else is moving. You move because within yourself you need to. There is a burning desire inside of you, which will mount to a burden that will cause you to move. Never do things because the who crowd is doing it, remember you are not the crowd, and you will never be defined by the opinion of the crowd rather you are a unique person. Therefore, it is vital to ask yourself whom are you doing this for and why?

I remember very well, my last two years at high school. I was so convinced that after this level, I want to further my studies, studying Law. On every corner of my books, I would write 'advocate Mimie''. More so during those years, I enjoyed writing every morning on the board a motivational quote of the day and below the quote by 'advocate' It would not bother me that as soon as the teacher walks in, my quote will be erased or it is would be only few people who read it. This was part of my daily routine at school to write a daily quote on the board.

However, despite being so convinced in myself to pursue law. Surprisingly I did not have the reasons WHY I want to pursue it. All I know was calling myself 'advocate' makes me happy! My mom often asks me what do you want to pursue? I found this kind of question easy to answer; with pleasure, Law. ''that's good with a smile'', I usually did not like the why part that would follow afterwards. I hated this kind of questions why what? To be honest I would not have reasons why I wanted to pursue what I want. This would make me sad. ''I don't know why? but that's what I want honestly'' that was my response.

One day I thought I have the answers to that question, so I initiate the conversation. ''I now know why I want to pursue Law''. I said to her,'' don't you know it is a good profession? she smiled at me, '' a question cannot provide reasons to another question. Well trying to be clever, I gave another try by removing a question from my answer. I said, ''it is a good profession being a lawyer''. There are plenty of good profession out there why lawyer? She continued.

Honestly I was so discouraged that moment at the same time angry with myself WHY I don't have a clue.

You don't just a get attracted to some of the things and to some not. There must be reasons behind which you need to find out for yourself in everything. However, the world that we are living in, is becoming too fast, too much pressure and if you don't have 'yourself time'' which is the time that you spare for yourself alone to figure out who are you? What is your purpose, WHY are you here on earth? What is your vision and how are you going to materialise it? You will get lost until the day you invest your time to find yourself again.

I then decided to give myself some time to find out the reasons why? And not only that I gave myself exposure in deep research on careers. More often I would stand on the mirror looking myself eye to eye, WHY Law? WHY and again WHY Law? I then discovered that each time I call myself '' Advocate'' it makes me smile bring some joy in my heart and if someone does, it would make my world as if I have arrived already. It would be just a loud reminder on myself. I realised that I may not have the reasons WHY but I got only one reason and it is solid enough. In my first year of studying law, I would feel discouraged from other people but the passion within me towards it would bring pleasure each time I would be studying.

WHY are you in that relationship with that particular person? Is it because everyone else have a man or a woman in their lives so you didn't want to be left alone. Mind you, you are everyone! Is it because, you did not what to be alone so you just decided to be with him? Is it because she has been there for you when you had no one and you feel like you owe her hence in return you choose to engage in a relationship with her. Remember you don't owe anyone for helping you out from their own will. Is it because she is way good for your ego? Have you ever take a minute asking yourself really WHY? I believe most of the times we get into relationships out of excitement or just to fill up the void of loneliness in our lives and without spare a minute of asking ourselves. Behind WHY is the reason(s) behind that will keep the relationship or make it not to last?

At times we find it awkward to ask WHY? even to those that are ahead of us, we choose to assume or go wrong rather than asking WHY is that so? Asking WHY? reflect your personality, smart or stupid. You don't need to jump without understanding why you have been commanded to. Questioning WHY is not a sign of pig-headed or wilful rather reflect a stronger person who cannot been walked over by standing your ground.

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