
Self-Trust and Intuition

High on its perch the bird watched the world go by, wondering what it would be like to fly into the sky. The door unlocked, the bird was offered the chance to explore.

"If I leave the cage what will be waiting for me? I do not want to be in this cage, but I know how it comforts me. I know no different, so I think I will stay. Maybe one day I will change."

We all want the courage to leave the cage and fly into the sky, but it takes trust to really let go and allow the freedom of living to flow. When we lack self-trust, it becomes difficult to make decisions and leads to second guessing ourselves.

Trust, creates the change needed to live the life we desire. If we do not trust ourselves to drive, then we would never get behind the steering wheel.

Just like the bird, our known experiences are comforting, they allow us to stay in our present circumstances even if we do not like them. The ego tells us that this is the best place to be while courage keeps it all in place. The illusion is that we believe life is meant to be this way.

Becoming in tune with intuition will naturally play on the relationship that you have with trust. Questioning every feeling, thought or happening. Is it my mind or is it intuition? This is the outcome of previous conditioning.

Intuition is not emotionally driven so be alert of the thoughts that surface because if emotions are attached then it is more than likely a bi product of past teachings manifesting as intuition. Emotions can create fear which will then cause trust issues.

The story of the bird highlights the power that emotions have on our thoughts and inability to trust ourselves. The bird sees the cage as a link to feeling safe. When the door is opened the bird feels uneasy. Taking a step towards freedom the held beliefs; "Don't do that. You don't know what's out there. You may be hurt or never come back" are so overwhelming that the bird is forced by fear to remain in the comfort it has become used to.

Our fears become reality when we fail to listen within. Luckily, human beings are wonderful at adapting to surroundings and changing our minds within a second.

Trust is often learned by listening to others, we become trusting because a link to feeling safe is established. When life is going well we trust that all is okay and often we attribute this to something outside ourselves whether that is God, the universe or a parent or teacher but when the trust is no longer there, we are let down and our mind holds onto the memory, stored away to be used as a validation of why we can't change.

The reality is we experience trust from within. To be able to comprehend that a decision is based on your ability to know what is best for you is an example of self-trust. Intuition and trust are intertwined, both are needed to receive the full power of what is possible.

Tips for Trusting Intuition
• Intuition does not have emotional attachment
• Trust is intertwined with intuition and cannot be separated
• Fears become reality when we fail to listen to the truth within
• Thoughts and emotions may be linked to the unconscious giving a false sense of security and preventing what may be a positive decision

This is an extract taken from the book, 'The Sentient Pathway. The #1 Guide to Developing Your Intuition, Giving You Power, Clarity and Confidence. By Kim and Ben Sowter

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