
Importance Of Making Decisions Right

Difficult decisions are sometimes difficult to undo. We become so conscious on identifying the best option because we cannot afford to risk a wrong decision. However, we failed to realize the importance of ensuring that any decision we make turns out right. We overly emphasized on the choices we make instead on everything that follows.

By merely choosing the best option available for does not warrant that things will turn out right in the long run. We should focus on what will happen next if we select this choice. By doing so, a given decision made will be determine if it is right or wrong. Our sense of agency and ownership is diminished once we focused too much on the right decision. On the contrary, focusing on the effort that will be required after our decision not only helps us see the means by which any choice might succeed, it also restores our sense of agency and reminds us that while randomness plays a role in every outcome, our sense of control resides in our daily activities more than in our one-time decisions.

We should simply not allow our emotions to choose for us. We might regret later. Though emotions are important input into decision-making; but it will most likely lead to a negative outcome and focusing our attention on the options likely to lead to a positive outcome. That's the reason why too many people commit the same mistakes over and over again. They let their emotions rule their rational thinking. In the end, they suffer the consequence of their wrong decisions.

Some people who have difficulty in making choices. They are afraid of the risks of making the wrong decision. They have trouble making decisions because they fear of making mistakes. They do not want to be wrong but the trouble is they worry too much, they are blinded to see that it should be the other way around. When they make a decision, they should exert every effort they have to turn it right no matter what happens.

What it means to have too many choices is that it also varies. Some people are overwhelmed by choosing between two things. Others can have an almost endless options but it also depends on what the choice is. Making decisions is sometimes making a commitment to a choice and sticking with it, but often there is an opportunity to find out something new if we only allow ourselves to have a room for improvement. Having an opportunity to find out something can make decisions fun.

Just bear in mind, "We cannot always make the right decision, but we can make every decision right by being objective and rational."

Some people have trouble with making decisions because they have trouble setting priorities. The sad thing is, it's difficult to teach people how to make the right decision because of their poor judgment or lack of insight

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