
Failure Is the Condiment

Man Wearing Gray Blazer

Quote By: Truman Capote

Many of us have been taught that not achieving immediate pleasure is a need. Failure is life's way of moving us in a different way and actually letting we greet eventually achieving that success we have been endeavouring towards.

Failures have given us a true understanding of self and drove us to attain that success that we envy. Failure is not an end, it is only a beginning. That failure makes us rethink to constructs a new plan, pushing us in a direction we may have not originally planned.


Victorious personalities relish their past failures because they consider them experiences that added value to their life. And there is nothing better than the feeling of success after years of endurance, struggles, and tribute.

Our failures do not define us, they encourage us. We can accept falling short of a goal but we could never live with ourselves if we gave up trying. Just one line in the sand on the success side of our life is worth all of those hash marks in the failure column. A few dashes of inadequacy and a sprinkling of botched attempts make that main course of success that much tastier! Failure is not the end, with the right mindset; it will catapult your success.

Failure is not the end of the road. In fact it is the beginning of a beautiful journey. Success is neither a cup of tea nor a piece of cake. It is something more than an achievement. Unfortunately many of us give up and do not like to follow the experience of failing. It's impossible to taste success in life without experiencing some kind of failure.

Nobody in this world chooses to fail, but everyone tastes the bitter cup at some point in their lives. It serves as a mirror at each end of our life. It reveals our strengths, weakness, and helps in demonstrating ourselves by strengthening our efforts.

Failure doesn't mean we quit; it means we just need to try harder. It is just an experience or lesson which drives a person to his success until he will not give up.

Failure doesn't mean that everything is over; it means that you have a chance to try something new. It doesn't mean that everything is finished; it implies that you have an opportunity to have a go at something new.

Society doesn't reward defeat, and we won't find many failures documented or written in history books.

Sometimes we don't fail. We try our effort in wrong fields. Our talents are measured in a way that are not meant to be. So it's necessary to know why you failed. Knowing you are judged in a wrong manner you have to change your forte. It's not failure, just a new beginning and this time in the correct turf

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