
4 EASY WAYS To Become A SUPER Creative Person

Woman Lying on Green Grass While Holding Pencil

Creativity is one of those things that people believe you are just born with it or you're not! I was always very creative as a child. I used to spend hours by myself in my room drawing and writing, so it is does come somewhat natural for me.. however, I have periods where I can't think of anything! So I had to think.. Can anybody be creative? Where does it come from? Where do creative people get their ideas? How can I become more creative and also teach others to do the same? Well I gave it a lot of thought and here are 4 Easy ways to tap into the creative genius that lives in all of us!


I noticed that my best ideas come when I'm doing almost nothing! Like driving in the car, taking a shower or just staring into space and being very quiet or meditating. Oftentimes the inspiration for creativity comes when we are relaxing. Take a walk, or relax and cook a nice meal When our body is relaxed our brain is freed up for creative things. If you are feeling stuck on an idea - take a break from it and just RELAX. I have started purposely setting time aside for nothingness and the ideas seem to keep on flowing because of it.

Get Some Competition

Nothing gets the creative juices flowing quite like competition. When someone challenges your creativity on a subject are you going to give up? Not likely! You are going to think of something new and different to be better because that's what we do. Talk to a friend or colleague and see which one of you can come up with better ideas for whatever you might be working on.

Find Your Inspiration

What really inspires you? Is it music, art, laughing, sports, cooking? Whatever it is.. do more of that! When you are doing things that inspire you, oddly enough you become more inspiring, which results in more creativity!

Improve On An Old Idea

Well, no idea is truly original but you know rappers take a sad song and make it better? (well sometimes it's better) Just think of think of ways to make improvements on already existing ideas. Advertising agency think tanks are always spinning old content and making it fresh again. Why can't you???

Creativity is as unique as the individual. There might be creative dry spells but trust and believe the source for creative ideas is infinite. If you need help tapping into your creativity to help in your business, life, or relationships contact me for a FREE Coaching session.

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