
You CAN Control the Outcome in Your Life!

Harmony in the world within. That's the goal. The key. When you have that, you have the ability to control your thoughts and...

... to determine for yourself how any experience is going to affect you.

Think about it!

You are related to the world without by nothing other than the Objective Mind. And your brain is the physical organ of this mind. Likewise, you are related to the world within by the Subconscious Mind. The solar plexus is the organ of this mind. This system of nerves presides over all subjective sensations, such as joy...

... fear...

... love...

... anger...

and imagination.

The Universal Mind is the consciousness pervading the entire universe...

... occupying all space and...

... being the same in kind in every point of existence.

It is all powerful...

... all wisdom...

... and always present.

It is all in all. You might know all of that. And it goes even further. You are connected to Universal Mind through the Subconscious Mind. In this way you are brought into relation with the infinite constructive forces of the Universe.

Read that again.








Your consciousness is part of Universal Consciousness like a drop of water is part of the ocean. While it is like in kind, it is not "the ocean." But that's okay because the consciousness that focuses in your brain cells is the same consciousness that focuses in the brain cells of everyone else. And that's huge because each one of us -- you, me, your neighbor down the street, Elon Musk -- is but an individualization of the Universal.

The world within is the cause. The world without is the effect. Thus, to change the effect you must...

... change the cause.

Most people attempt to change effects by working with effects. They keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. And the effects keep producing more of the same effects.

So what are you to do?

Simple. Change the cause! Work on your world within. Attain harmony in your world within. When you understand this, you will have the power to control the effects in your life. You will begin to substitute abundance for poverty...

... health for sickness...

... wisdom for ignorance...

... harmony for discord, and...

... freedom for tyranny.

You will create the outcomes in your life that you want and desire.

Cease being a plaything of destiny!

Declare your own path!

Clear your own way!


And you will win.!&id=9968411

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