
Overcoming Fear to Be Creatively Confident

Photo of People Doing Yoga

From the time you were a child to now, how creative have you been? If not at all, why not? You are already a creative person filled with ideas that you are not using to your advantage.

The book I recommend is Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by Tom and David Kelley. These brothers, partner and founder of the IDEO organization look at the idea that people are creative even though many don't consider themselves being so.

The bottom line is where you may have experienced a negative event when you were a child trying to be creative and innovative when other people made judgments or criticized your work. You then became sensitive to what was said and took it to heart. That may have been enough for you to stop showing how creative you wanted other people to see.

On the other hand, in school when your classmates gradually stopped being creative and innovative, you stopped as well. This is where Gordon McKenzie, a creative director from Hallmark Greeting Cards documented the faded work of creativity in schools had taken place. He observed that children in both kindergarten and first grade felt they were two-handed artists when McKenzie asked "How many artists are in this room?" He found that beginning in fourth grade the number of creatives faded to about 50 percent. Then in sixth grade, the number of creative artists dwindled to only 2 or 3 in a classroom of 25 to 30 children.

Since everyone is creative, most people don't use their creative thinking in putting out the effort to think of ideas they can work on. Instead, they believe they are not creative and keep that inside themselves as a fear. Fear is the single biggest obstacle people face to creative success.

In order to reduce even eliminate your fears regarding creativity and regain your creative confidence, Stanford University Psychologist Albert Bandura developed Guided Mastery. This problem helps you look at your beliefs, effectiveness and how to improve through gradual successful activities. These creative activities get harder over time. They also address the fears you have and help you move forward. Understand that if you are not confident, your fears will block you from becoming confident.

Creativity and innovation is widely accepted as a driving force behind your business thriving beyond survival mode. Most employers today hire people who are creative and innovative. They must demonstrate this during job interviews with various creative questions asked of them. These go beyond the question accordingly Microsoft asked when they first started with Why is a Manhole Cover Round?"

In understanding Creative Confidence, you will begin to understand how you can create a better you through unleashing your creative potential beyond your expectations.

"Creativity is a great motivator because it makes people interested in what they are doing. Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone. Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting." 
- Edward de Bono

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