
Message From the Universe: "Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice, Shame on ME!"

Photo of Men Pointing To Each Other

"Speaking of ships silently passing in the night...

Even your own path crossing with a complete stranger, on a sidewalk, down the hall, or at Starbucks, on this holiest of adventures, amongst the billions now alive and the zillions who could have been, means so much more than most can even comprehend. Suffice it to say, however, that in such moments these fellow adventurers are closer to you than a brother or a sister, no matter who they are.

You are the "King" of the world,
The Universe"

Everyone that you will meet in your lifetime will have an impact on you and your well being. Some will change who you are for the better and others will make you live with regrets as to what did you do to deserve such encounters. You will come across some vampires that their sole purpose is to drain you from everything that you have and once emptied, will jump to the next victim and live you there, laying in a puddle of pain. Many will suffer from the same predicament, and stop trusting anyone else in their lives because of just a few bad apples/vampires. As you can understand the point of the story here is that people will change you as a person, because of their behavior. Just like a chameleon, changing colors as they bounce from one object to another, your personality depends on who you meet or come across with. Do you think this is the way to go? Aren't you suppose to be who you are, regardless of others behavior? Why should it depend on anyone else's malicious act on you for you to become just like them? The expression "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"is applicable. Learning from mistakes and moving forward is crucial to all aspects of your life. Do not allow to make the same mistakes over and over again, especially if it's by the same person. It is hard to predict anyone's attention for that matter, but be vigilant and pay attention to signals, sudden change of behavior, things that seems to be odd or unnatural to you. Once you see them erupting, take immediate action and do not allow more problems to sink in. Work on protecting yourself first and foremost, and the rest can be handled the way you see fit.

I am not saying that everyone will look for ways to take advantage, because there are just a few who do that but because of them, it leaves everyone else wonder the kind of screwed up society we live in. Don't allow this to change you as a person or allow you to become like them. Continue doing the things that you used to do, such as helping others in need. In this case, avoid to pay it forward when it comes to being taken advantage of, as you do not want to do the same to others. Follow your gut feeling that by doing good to others while someone did something bad to you is breaking the link, the bad connection that creates so much anger and frustration to others. You want to avoid this at all cost. Something very important to add is to never judge anyone as you do not understand the kind of battle they are living with. Some people might be always smiling or looking happy but the reality is that they may suffer from severe depression and other kind of illnesses. Not taking this in consideration can push you to retaliate in the wrong way when someone is having a bad day because of whatever reasons. When someone is mean to you, try to understand that it is NOT your fault nor your actions that triggered this anger. Something else is lurking in that person's mind that pushed them to behaving aggressively towards you.,-Shame-on-You,-Fool-Me-Twice,-Shame-on-ME!&id=9469799

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