
Kick the Television Habit and Open Up Your World

Woman in White Bed Holding Remote Control While Eating Popcorn

When did you realize you watch too much television? Did you notice the things you've lost from all that time in front of the screen? You're invited to come out of the glowing haze and enjoy your own creativity.

Television can provide news, information, and entertainment but it comes at a price. The New York Times reported from Nielsen and Netflix statistics that the average American watches more than five hours per day and over thirty-five hours a week. That's enough time for someone to work a second full time job. That's quite a price when translated into precious time away from one's own personal productivity.

The small bits of time spent in front of the television through the day add up. How many current shows are your favorites? One, two, four, or more? Don't fool yourself into believing that it is only once or twice a week.

If you are the type of person who likes to hear the news in the background while at home, how often do you stop what you're doing to catch a news segment that piqued your interest? How often do you come home so exhausted that you just sit on the couch and watch mindlessly because your brain is "too fried" for anything else? There's no arguing the fact that television is an easy distraction.

What are we missing because of our television habit? The list can easily grow. We miss out on healthy eating, pleasant conversations over dinner, spending time with friends, taking up a hobby, or joining a volunteer organization.

Some people may use television as a "crutch" to avoid doing other things that are more meaningful. Shy people may find it easier to stay home in front of reruns rather than make new friends or take a class.

One of the biggest downsides to excessive television watching is letting other people's imaginations entertain you. Harnessing your own creativity has many wonderful benefits for mental and physical health. Why sit and watch what other people have created when you can be the creator?

Playing music or writing poetry are excellent activities for the brain. Why watch sports when you can play sports in your local leagues? It's more than becoming less sedentary. Activities will challenge the mind and help ward off depression, dementia, and immune system illness.

Have you ever thought of entertaining others with your own creative pursuits? Do you like a good mystery? Write your own. Direct a play with your local theater group. Compose your own music and get others to perform with you. If you're a newsy type person, you can investigate events and report them on video blogs. Can you paint or build? Can you become a good speaker on a topic? The activities you enjoy watching can be activities you enjoy doing.

Our communities would benefit from more "live and in person" art and education. The enrichment to our neighborhoods can be extraordinary when we share our crafts and ideas. Start with any small interest and get off the couch. The world needs your talent.

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