
How Would You Know If You Are Reincarnated?

Scientists have worked for years to understand the mechanism behind reincarnation. Why do some remember it while others can recall previous lives, even prove how and when they died? The dilemma is enhanced by the religious banning of anything to do with it. Officials in such organised mind bending only want people to accept their version of the after-life. This is so they maintain power and control exercised by fear and reward.

Human are prone to fear what they don't understand. That means that they tend to accept what is taught to them by parents, society, and their faith. But sometimes it is the little voice inside that pulls them away from it and presents a different picture to the 'norm'.

That happens to little children who may suddenly burst out with claims of a previous life or they accuse their parents of not being their rightful mother and father. In order to satisfy their own belief, the shocked mum and dad may instruct their offspring that they are sadly mistaken and can even call in the professionals to start psychiatric therapy.

The child becomes frightened and may stop the memory while accepting what they are then told. This can also present problems of other types. Many will become depressed and some even turn to suicide.

By ignoring their spiritual link which manifests through that little voice within they become lost and confused. Behavioural problems may manifest and sometimes rebellion against society and even the law.

When people are encouraged to maintain their memory, or they do it despite orders to the contrary, they generally live a happy and fulfilling life.

Can reincarnation, on the other hand, be the only trigger to these scenarios? With memory of my own transit from one life to the next a warning came not to expose it to anyone until it could be explained. Things happened, however, early on in my childhood that shocked my mother especially. It was hard not to let things slip out.

One day we were walking past a building we had not passed before. Stopping dead in my tracks it brought back memories not expected. "We used to live there" I burst out. Mum's face turned white and she looked like she might faint. "You couldn't possibly know that" she said, "you were only three weeks old when we moved."

Not only was it known to me but every detail of the inside came back. It taught me to remain quiet because of the shock it gave her.

So recall is one way that people can know that they have reincarnated. Deja'Vu is also important, and then there are flashbacks to things not accountable in one's present life. It all mounts up and if taken further many things can emerge to further confuse researchers who are not properly tuned into it.

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