
Ending Procrastination - A Guide on How to Study

Procrastination is an act of avoiding a task that needs to be done. While procrastinating, pleasurable acts are preferred to be carried out rather than the exact and right thing.

Procrastination can lure a person into preferring to watch a movie or sleep instead of seeing to an assignment or reading or even any other important work.

When procrastinating, a mindset is formed which goes thus; that he or she would engage in his or her primary obligations later, at that moment, the systems of the body desires utmost attention and instant gratification and when this desire isn't fulfilled, focus and concentration might be lost while carrying out an activity. In other words, a student who wants to watch a movie but forces himself into reading might not be able to concentrate on the readings.

However, putting a task off for rational reasons is not procrastination. Gregory Shaw, Theresa Watkins, Lori Olaf son in 2007 proposed three criteria for a behavior to be classified as procrastination; it must be counterproductive, needless and delaying.

The effect of procrastination varies and these include; loss of productivity, failure, guilt, stagnancy, inadequacy, self-doubt, disapproval from others, depression, low self-esteem, loss of will and determination. Procrastination is a disease that plagues anyone at any point in time, however such desires could be curbed, and the followings are ways on how to overcome procrastination and study more;

  • The need to be aware of thoughts and habits that leads to procrastination. Once this situations and habits have been identified, then measures can be taken to avoid them. By doing this a student creates more time to concentrate on his or her studies.

  • A need to restructure one's daily activities. A student or worker who finds himself or herself tied down to so many activities might need to cut them down. By doing this, there would be no need to sleep or relax at the inappropriate time, thus procrastinating. By doing this, the student finds out that it is possible to cover the notes given in class daily as this is the best way to read rather than piling up notes which is an act of procrastination.

  • Rediscovery: This entails examining one's own weaknesses and strength, likes and dislikes, by doing this, one avoids situations that could bring about procrastination. Hence, a student who might not be able to assimilate after about three-four hours of reading, through an examination of his or her capabilities would find out that there is no need to stress himself or herself.

  • In the same vein, a student who prefers to read in the day time would be doing himself no good by scheduling the readings for night time, thereby procrastinating. Hence, students should go for the atmosphere, the timing and moods that suit them best. However, there might be times when situation would require a breaking of rules, a student who hasn't covered much and has an exam or test the next day should never procrastinate the reading till the early hours of the morning because he loves to read at night but rather should also strive to read the night before, this might not be necessary if the student reads effectively, daily and positively.

  • Focus, determination, motivation and courage are vital tools to avoid procrastination. Therefore, there is the need to work on one's self to be more determined. Also, a good reading time-table helps a student to be more concentrated, it guides and disallows unnecessary readings at a particular point in time.

Thus, for good results and success there is the need to abide by the skills stated above.

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