
Benefit Yourself (By Joshua Clayton)

We all do love to win without exception, but who loves to train, not cheat, and do it without short cuts of any sort? I will give you a sort of answer: The person who fully and really wants the unadulterated achievement. Cheating and other "tricks" are for people who do not really want to achieve anything genuinely worthwhile, but the genuinely special people earn what they want, fully earning it with love of what they are doing fully.

Realistically, there will be those who disdain this reality and cheat, but for the few that do not. Here I am, writing about the reality that if you really love something you will do it in an original way that is devoid of ease, cheating and weakness.

My girlfriend Diane loves to say and mean that we all have spiritual contracts that we signed up for. I agree with this. But to cheat, or escape or to destructively fear is to break those contracts however "good" or "bad" we made those contracts and realities.

I realize that sometimes there are pauses in progress where I do want to "cheat" or "escape". I realize though that to go through with reality without cheating it is better than living in a fantasy world where nothing is really achieved and everything is cheated. Call it intensity, or call it what you want to, but indeed, I call it being honest with myself as well as others. This is where character is born in reality. Where do you think the saying comes from that "character is doing the right thing when nobody is looking" really comes from anyway? Yes, exactly. The best people have this gift, the worst people will do anything to escape responsibility whether anyone notices or not. So, the ultimate key to benefitting yourself is character. Without it, you are a cheater and if you "succeed" at cheating, you are a hidden weakling. With genuine character, you are a winner. So, I end with a quote on perseverance, determination and perseverance from United States President Calvin Coolidge:

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Persistence and determination are the key to all successful soul contracts, not just in my opinion, but in my universal reality.

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