
The Art of Being Original and Letting Go of the Ideas to Evolve

I often wonder why we hate reading other people's writing. Early in my academic life I realized that most of the human beings do not have staying power to finish reading other people's writing. I thought that this was weaknesses and that it must be embarrassing to people. I would therefore force myself to finish reading the prescribed materials. When I have finished reading something I will celebrate. But I am always disturbed. I would not be able to reproduce the content. I would not be able to figure out what I had learned from the text or the book. So, I concluded that we are doing this for the wrong reason. We are not necessarily inspired at all by the ideas that are not ours.

But this is not absolutely true. There are some people who enjoy reading other people's ideas and taking them forward to implementation phase. That is why some of us are writers and others are readers.

I am glad that I found the secret! And the secret is that those of us who are writers, we are inspired by being original. In fact this is the most important characteristic of writers. Writers love coming up with their own ideas. They are transformational in their writing. Why do I say so? What they write about is what they applied their mind to and it makes people take action. People embark on actions as a result of having read about the idea.

So, as a writer, reading someone's text is limited to us getting the intent of the author, and once we got it, even if we have not finished the entire text, it is sufficient to stop reading and move on to creating our own original ideas. This is not arrogance, but nature of authors.

How does this relate to our big life ideas? We have big life ideas that are truly original.

Original ideas grow inside us as a result of us nurturing them. These ideas are often related to our calling in life.

I grew up knowing that one day I would have to work. But I always knew that I wanted to do something of my own. It took me ten years struggling to establish what kind of a project I was to embark on in my private capacity. I tried too hard and would not get it. When I ultimately cracked it, a penny dropped.

When you are forcing original idea or life purpose to reveal itself to you, you are not being original and realistic. The best way to discover your purpose is to be original, allow the idea to grow over time, be flexible, and let go as the idea evolves. It will lead to the discovery of your life purpose.

When we become generous with our particular idea we reach the stage where the idea no longer belongs to us. All our stakeholders and mirrors become the owners of our idea. They grow into a bigger phenomenon and in that way the universe acknowledge us as having contributed to the betterment of humankind.

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