
Message From the Universe: Let's Get Serious About Having Fun

Women Inside A Van

"You don't have to take everything so seriously. Life isn't black and white, answers aren't always yes or no, and absolutely nothing has to happen today. Act when you're ready. Be led by your feelings. And the next time someone wants to fit you into a mold, just tell 'em that your jeans are in the wash, your angels are at the mall, and Oprah's on the other line.

Fuzzy as dice,
The Universe"

Everything will happen when it has to happen. Taking life too seriously will end up draining all your energy and your passion to survive. You can't always live on your guards, day in and day out. You need to just relax and enjoy this journey. I am aware that you may have goals and dreams and want to do everything in your power to reach them sooner than later. Unfortunately for you and everyone, life has a way to intervene and put a halt on these dreams and goals, and that is not to piss you off or anything, OK, maybe just a little, but mostly because it will not let you shine until it feels you are fully ready to face these great responsibilities of fortune and glory. You may think you are but this is not always the case. With great power comes great responsibilities and it is not always up to you to determine your readiness to these responsibilities. Do not worry though, the right time will come and you will be able to enjoy the fruit of your labor and become successful in your own rights. I am not saying it will be easy, or hard, or whatever, but it will require you to be patient, determined, passionate with what you do, stay positive despite the hurdles you will face and most importantly, never give up.

Your future is pre-destined to be what it should be and you can't really know what you do today was already a part of your destiny. You may change path, but then again, was that already pre-written in your book of life? If you take that one door instead of that other, can you consider that a potential change of your imminent future or was that change already a part of your path to existence? You can go crazy to try to understand the what if's of life, or if you should have done this or that and maybe you would have experience more success in life. You can't know and will never really know but that is the beauty of all this. The fact that you don't know reveals a vulnerable side of you that you have your entire life to cope with and taking chances is what will make you reach success. If you are too afraid of the unknown, you will never know and live your life in regret, always wishing you should have taken the risks you are willing to take today. So go out there, enjoy the journey of life and always stay serious about having fun.

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