
How Lying to Yourself Can Be a Good Thing

Photo of Smiling Woman Walking Alone Along Trail Between Trees

What we say to ourselves in our minds is so important. It can literally make or break us. And since what we think drives our actions, it's imperative we change our thinking to match the action that we want, so we can get what we want out of life.

Have you ever heard the saying, "A lie becomes truth if you hear it enough?" Cognitive psychology research has found that a repeated lie becomes truth over time. Things you say to yourself, or things others say to you about you, can quickly go from a lie to truth.

I'll say it again: What we say in our minds about ourselves can make or break us.

So how do we use lying to our advantage?

Most positive thinkers and motivational speakers agree that we need to find out what negative things we say to ourselves and stop it. So start by listing out all the bag things you say about yourself, EVEN IF YOU THINK THEY ARE TRUE.

You can tell its negative if it makes you feel bad, unsuccessful, or like you just don't care. So list them out - all of them. The ones you say to yourself, the ones you've heard people say to you or about you, or even what you think others may say about you. Make the list ongoing; anytime you think of something, write it down. Once you've made your list, or feel like you've got a good amount, take each negative thought and write a counter-thought that is positive, EVEN IF YOU THINK IT'S A LIE.

For example; here's a partial part of the list I made before I became successful:

Negative Thoughts/Positive Thoughts:

"I'll never make enough money"/"I am making A LOT of money right now!"
"I'm just too lazy"/"I am productive and my time is valuable!"
"I can't be rich"/"I can be rich, and I will be rich soon!"
"I'm not worth it"/"I am strong and powerful and deserve everything I want!"
"Making a lot of money online is a lie and a scam"/"I can make a lot of money online, without leaving the comfort of my house!"
"Other people don't care so why should I?"/"I love myself and I'm an awesome person! I don't care what others think of me."

I still catch myself saying similar things to myself. But I've trained my brain to look out for it and you can too. Once I recognize them, I immediately deprogram them from my thoughts.

Each day, or every time a negative thought crosses your mind, take out your list and repeat only the positive statements to yourself. In your mind, out loud, in front of a mirror - as many times a day as you think of it, or 10 times a day, or 50 times a day! The goal is to get your mind to believe what you're saying.

You see, I believe that you are productive. I believe you are successful. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, you can do anything you put your mind to.
If I can do it, so can you!

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