
Creative Thinking

Have you ever been faced with a problem and not been able to get out of it because there wasn't one of the usual exits you'd see. Many times in situations like these you need to think outside the box, you need to be creative. You may have exhausted one part of the problem and failed to come up with a solution, but if you flip the problem around you might just find a way out. It's only a matter of being creative.

People commonly associate creativity with art, craft, music, dance etc.; those disciplines which help you express yourself to others. That is an important aspect of creativity, but that is not all. Creativity is the ability to see things differently, try new perspectives to make them better than what they already are. A big part of this is to keep yourself entertained too.

What all this means is that you are not born creative or uncreative, it is something that can be learnt. There is as much possibility of making a painting average and boring as there is of making cleaning your house fun and creative.

Creativity is very difficult to cultivate for today's generation because the society has set such definite paths for achieving fame, power, success and money, that people who don't conform to those norms are called 'mad'. But if everyone were to behave the same way, we would be stuck in a rut and never develop. It is because people exist who want to think different and make their independent choices that we can succeed. Everyone has internships, good grades, good presentation skills; but if you are creative in your approach people will remember you and you could get ahead in life.

So if creativity is some quality that can be cultivated, how can one go about it?

It is important to get feedback but don't let it affect you too much. More often than not you might realise that there are people who don't understand your work but think it is okay to have a strong opinion about it. They may not necessarily have bad intentions but it is important for you to not let them get in your way. Your creative process will be especially difficult because not many people understand it. This only means you are different, not wrong.

You are your best critic. Others will point out the flaws in things you do but it won't be as useful as the flaws you find yourself. This is simply because that work is yours, you recognize your potential more that anyone, you know all the hard work you put into something so you will know how to push yourself better. You should definitely seek help from people but ultimately you should always ask yourself how you can improve your work.

If you are aiming for perfection, you will stop growing. Being perfect at something is like hitting an end point in your journey and then you are just stuck there because there is nowhere else to go. While it is very tempting to strive for perfection, it is not only stopping you from growth but it is also impossible to achieve. Perfection is a subjective concept so what you think is perfect maybe completely average for someone else.

You define your creativity, not the other way round. As people we are all multi-faceted. There are things we are good at and things we are not so good at. You must always remember that you will be creative sometimes but other times, especially when you're not feeling good and positive, it might be difficult; but this doesn't mean you are incapable of it.

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