
Becoming Happy And Just Flowing With Life (By Joshua Clayton)

Lately, I am just playing. Let me fully explain that sentence throughout this article: Instead of expecting too much out of myself, I just do what I want and need to do. I remember a few months before I wrote that first sentence, I over taxed myself in so many ways. I just take care of what I can take care of, and genuinely want to take care of, and do what I genuinely feel is right, instead of what I "need" to do. Sometimes, taking too much responsibility on yourself out of "need" is the worst thing, especially when you do not genuinely want the goal you are going for.

That brings me to another point. As I am writing this article, I am listening to a program by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi that wrote that book on the idea of "Flow". Sure, I read that book years ago, and I refer to it a lot, but lately, that book and its ideas about life have taken so much meaning to me that I had a chance to renew my interest in it, and I took it.

So, lately, I am just playing at life in the most productive and working way possible, not taking on too much too quick and enjoying my life the best I can. Recently, I had a few side effects from a flu vaccination/flu shot I got, but, that did not really side track me though. I just let whatever happened tell me what I needed to tell me about life and I went on without too much interruption except that I stopped everything, took a warm bath and went to bed about four hours earlier than usual, and then did what I genuinely needed to do after that six hours of extra sleep. My point is: Life can side track you genuinely if you do too many "things that you should do" instead of dealing with life genuinely on your own terms.

So, an example from today, as I write this article on a Saturday: I woke up leisurely around 6:30 A.M., said my prayers and did my usual early day rituals that I genuinely love doing, and then I watered my plants which I love to do, then I spent a few minutes on the internet taking care of that business, about ten minutes. Then I got dressed and got out of the house, went to the recycling plant this morning around eight-fifteen this morning, then I came to my usual second Saturday Friends of the Library meeting about nine this morning. I did all of it in a leisurely way, also, like I wanted to deal with it. When life is in "flow mode", everything is pretty easy. When life is in "I have to do this!" mode, it is always hard. Give that some thought, and see what you come up with for your life. What I get from Csikszentmihalyi is that efficiency is better than stress anyhow. I am also saying: Deal with what you genuinely want and need to deal with in that order, and all else good and happy will genuinely be added.

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