
Are You Recognizing Abundance? (By Rhonda McNett)

Vegetable Lot

Have you noticed that I've gotten a bit off track with my correspondence lately? Hmmm... Yep, busy playing in this long, hot summer and just plain enjoying Life! Now that Fall is (almost) officially here, I'm back at my desk and paying attention once again!

We had a call from our electric company recently, informing us that we'd won $50 since we do e-bill and e-pay and our prize can be credited toward that bill. Wahoo! Feeling like I'd just won the Big Lotto or something, I started really being cognizant of all these little 'prizes' that come our way each and every day:

  • Yes, that long, dry summer, and all the gorgeous blue-sky days we enjoyed;
  • Even though we're actually ready for some rain, we are not enduring the deluge from myriad hurricanes that our southern and eastern states and various Caribbean islands are;
  • Great health, especially compared with the losses and ill health of some of our neighbors, friends and family (and, yes - I can see you now!);
  • An abundance of fruits and veggies from various awesome neighbors, along with everyone's willingness to share and plant so we don't have 90 jalapeno plants among us anymore;
  • Rain yesterday for the first time in so long I can't remember the last time we had measurable moisture - all our yards and gardens are SO happy for it, all damp and shiny-green-clean now;
  • That leads to (finally) a lowering of our irrigation water bill - and none too soon!
  • No excess around our house or yard to keep us from appreciating what we do have, use and love - hooray for organizing, right?
Seems all we have to do is just pay a little attention and our Abundance Reality just comes pouring out! Nope - I'm not a 'religious' person, but do believe in being thankful for all that comes my way, and counting blessings along the route. And you know what? It isn't even close to Thanksgiving yet! HA!
Here's to recognizing and cherishing the abundance in your life! Just start making note of the little things - even your nice, even breath - and you're on your way!

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