
The Responsibility of a Blessing (By Gini Cunningham)

Every one of us has certain blessings that we have been bequeathed. The source of these is determined by the individual: family inheritance, role model, higher being, or an indeterminate provisionary. Blessings just seem to appear and may be a smile, a sparkling eye, drive and determination, honesty and integrity, and in fact, boundless possibilities. With cultivation blessings develop over time and transform us into better, kinder, and empowered individuals.

I have decided that my blessing is my drive and determination. When I see something I want or that I want done, I jump on the opportunity to bring it to fruition. I may bump into obstacles and naysayers along the way, I may have to alter and adjust course as needs change over time, I may encounter disgruntled discouragement, but when I have a dream, I find it very difficult to let it go. Even if in the end I am the only one basking in the warmth of the dream, I can still call it my success.

Imagine my surprise when sharing this blessing idea with a group of friends to receive a heaping dose of negativity from one member who screamed that her blessing - being a whirlwind of activity - was considered a curse. "I just want to be able to sit down and do nothing!" she screeched. As I pointed out that that wouldn't be her, that her bustle permits accomplishment, she became even more infuriated to the degree that I tried to melt into the background and turn my attention elsewhere. She muttered on as I pondered her face and tone and decided that I guess her blessing, though viewed by me as wonderful, had transformed into a curse in her own mind and that there was no changing her attitude and outlook.

All of this forced me to reflect upon blessings, those special, unique talents we possess and wonder how others perceive themselves and their own talents. Do I look at a dedicated worker and spin positive thoughts but were I to dig deeper would I find a worker who is only laboring because s/he must and that there is no dedication or positivity involved. I suppose I could ask or run a survey but my yelling friend has made me a bit afraid to approach let alone discuss this matter.

But then again, maybe it is time for me to study the characters around me a little more closely, uncover what I believe to be the most blessed part of their being, and then point it out with effusive praise and thanksgiving. Would my positive outpouring produce positive outpouring in return? Now I know it will not work for my above-mentioned friend. To begin with she is not a listener and so she would not hear my words or correctly interpret their intent. So I must more carefully to examine my prospective praise receivers and be ready to turn and run when my positive nature unseats negative reaction.

Think about yourself and your blessings. Do you make the most of them even when after effort and hard work they tire and frustrate you or are you mad at the outset and so anger only accelerates as you spin along with your blessing cum curse? I guess the real question is can you accept who you are and be thankful each moment or are you content to wallow in discontent?

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