
Start Here: The One Thing You Have To Do

Patience, understanding and tolerance. Note: Everything there starts with patience. Without that patience: understanding and tolerance just are not there. So, start thinking, start taking rational action and create that patience for yourself, because time will not go any faster or slower. Things will not get better without your acting on them, and nobody will do it for you, really.

When I started out to write this article, I realized that nobody would be inspired except me. Sure, the spirit had to be there, but I first had to perceive it to use it in this article. That takes patience, then understanding and tolerance.

Without that patience, you cannot sit still enough to perceive, let alone not take things for granted. In fact, when you expect it "now", how can you have patience, let alone understanding of any meaningful sort or tolerance of any subject? You cannot.

So, when I mean start here, I do mean "start here, for there is nowhere to start except to cultivate patience."

Thinking about reality getting any better or any more easy, the reality is that it never does without our efforts or starting in the right direction. I remember my Dad telling me that nothing starts without patience to see it through. Well, I now not only agree with him, but I expand on what he was saying by reiterating: All we can do is be patient and the rest will come later as we take patient, and rational action. Action is the key, sure, but patience is the way through the door, let us face it.

Realistically, though, inaction is not patience. Patience is doing things at the right times and in the right order. What do you think Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu meant by "The Way" or the "Tao". There is always a certain and practical way to do things that does work in its sequence, and there are so many ways that do not work, find and go with what does work and you will be all right. What makes wrong is trying to make something work impatiently that will not work, that is the key to insanity really. So, here I quote Dr. Albert Einstein:

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
I can honestly consider insanity the opposite of patience, especially purposeful insanity trying to "play God". After all, my Dad also used to say: "Doctor or Scientist, if you are God, create some dirt out of nothing without tools or things to work with."

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