
Message From the Universe: Making Your Ideas a Reality

"Got any good ideas for this week?

I'm thinking that anything can happen.

But, then, of course, it's not about what I think.

You're up,
The Universe"

You have a new business idea you want to come true? Yes? So what are you waiting for? Every little step you take towards making this idea a reality is to take that first step and go forward from there. Do not worry about the setbacks because there will be plenty of those throughout your journey. You just brush them off and keep moving forward. This is what life is all about. Push and push until you can't push no more. Do not let life bring you down in the dumps and you not fighting back. There is so many things you can do, and if one doesn't work, then figure out what you can do to make things happen. Remember, do all of this because you love it, not because it will bring you fame, fortune or glory. Yes, these are good incentives overall, but believe me, you can't keep on going forward with the needed motivation if money is your ONLY goal. Waking up early, sleeping late, sacrificing a lot for the desire to reach your goals will be a daily practice throughout this journey. The most important part is to keep on loving what you do, no matter the outcome. Yes, it will get frustrating at times, but what isn't? There are risks with everything you do in life, so might as well do the things you LOVE doing.

I will admit that not ALL your ideas can materialize to something real or functional. You may think of the gadget that will provide unlimited source of energy but requires some plutonium capsules that are not readily available or accessible. You may think of ways for people to travel to planet Mars but may not have the proper credentials or knowledge to make that happen. Despite all these possible challenges, focus on the things you are good at and look for the best way to make your passion a career. That is what we would all love doing, day after day, because it is no longer considered as work, but primarily a hobby that will eventually help you get to where you want to go. Not many have that luxury of doing the things they love doing because they feel in the trap of corporate society, which is living paycheck by paycheck, complaining about their crappy job but yet, not doing anything to change their situation. Complaining won't get you far at all, so take that energy and guide it to something more positive. You will see your life change on the spot and will make you realize how much time was wasted because of fear lurking in your mind for so many years.

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