
How Your Anger Is Keeping You From Others

Man With Halloween Skeleton Makeup Choking a Woman With Skeleton Makeup

The angrier you are at the world the lonelier you will be.

We Are Angry at Ourselves, We Just Don't Like to Admit It.

Admit it, you're angry with yourself. We're the type of person who constantly complains for everything at anything if our demands aren't satisfied. Our childish nature drives governs every aspect of our life. Sooner or later we realize the world doesn't work this way. That is one more reason why we are angry.

The nitty gritty is we are wounded in the inside, we feel hurt. Our heart is full of sadness lacking love. We want people to understand us. We don't want them to go away but our anger spooks them.

We Are Scared In The Inside

We blame the rest. Truthfully, they are not the problem. We are the problem. We scare them away with our screams and shouts. No one wants to love an angry person. We do this to ourselves, not them.

Our biggest problem is that we want to be loved our way. We are stubborn, selfish in that aspect. But we do this to ourselves because we don't know how to love. How would you? No one ever taught you what love is.

Then we make the error that no one will ever love us because we expel anger. We do it for one reason. We do this to protect our wounded heart, we yell to feel dominant, we scream so we can be heard. We raise ours voices because no one listens to us, to our needs, which makes us feel isolated from the rest. We want to feel love but without the pain.

We don't want to be hurt anymore. We are constantly on guard. You put on this scary mask to hurt first so they can go away. That is one reason you're lonely. You want to hurt them before they hurt you. This only isolates you from the rest. You do this to yourself because the world has already conditioned you to not trust anybody. This mask helps us protect our wounded heart.

We don't want to be suffering anymore. That is why we are on constant guard from the rest. Our masks help us survive. It makes everyone go away but at the same time we are left alone. We put on this mask because we feel powerless so it's better to hurt first with the consequence of loneliness.

Anger Hides Who The Real Enemy Is

Did you know because you're on constant guard from the world you isolate yourself from your love ones? Sometimes I questioned people "What are you scared of?" Is your fear real or imaginary? Don't you get tired of running; of hiding from something that only exists in your mind?

The only way you think your pain will go away is if you feel safety. Solitude is refuge for you, but at the same time killing you. The pain will end once we feel safe.

You know the answer for your problem. The only way we can overcome this is by feeling loved, protected and safe. The only way we can achieve this is by letting our anger go away. Once our anger is dead we are given liberty, our families and most of all love. Love comes to those who accept it. Love does not follow those who are angry.

Words of advice, you must love yourself first. But how can you, if you don't know what love is and sadly you never received. How can we love if that is the answer? We must turn anger into love.

We must look at our past experiences that make us angry and re-understand how to love.

For some people its difficult for them to turn anger into love because of the following:

We Are Angry Because Life Has Taught Us To Be

Life has taught you to be angry. But don't put all the blame on them. You have to seriously look at the mirror and say " I am angry at myself!" We have a tendency to blame our anger & our suffering at our families except our selves. We are cowards in taking the responsibility for our own self-hopelessness. We are our own problem.

We are angry with ourselves for not doing anything to change our lives. It made us feel guilty for letting it govern our world. We feel guilty for growing up weak because we were always put down. That is why we have this tough guy mask to survive from those who humiliated us, dominated us and made us feel power-less. Deep down our anger is saying this:

"I am going to pretend I am angry and tough so I won't get hurt anymore that will scare them away"

Look at yourself closely. You're afraid. You're afraid of all those people that hurt you and demean you. Your anger also says another thing, "Love me, notice me but don't hurt me while doing it". Behind our anger is fear desiring to turn itself into love?

Honesty Will Set Us Free & Help Us Grow Strong

Stop pretending you're angry all the time. Be honest with yourself, you want to be loved. One thing is our lies will only scare everyone away. Our dishonesty and anger only creates loneliness. The world hates people like us. Change it.

Remember you are not fooling anyone. We are not. The gorilla suit we carry they can see a scared man or women in the inside, suffering. We have to take it away and let others know. Let others see that we need help. Our weaknesses, vulnerabilities need strength and love. 
The only way you will discover growth is by removing that suit.

Here Is How To Grow:

1. Remove your anger mask slowly to reveal your true nature. You'll be surprised how much people love you when you let them. 
2. Take responsibility of your own life and stop blaming others. Stop being angry. 
3. Be honest, the more honest you are with yourself the closer others will be with you, this is empowering yourself.

We understand that behind anger is a scared individual, but if we allow ourselves to stop pretending we will be loved.

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