
How Can You Manage Your Anger

All of us experience times when our anger gets a little out of control. But some people can rarely calm themselves down and present a threat mostly to themselves and their wellbeing as a result of their anger.

Here are a few tips to calm down if you find yourself angry more often than not:

Take Timeouts

I know this may seem like a stupid tip. But taking a timeout when you are angry, taking just a few minutes somewhere no one can see you so you can take a few deep breaths and figure out the situation was really worth getting angry for - works.

Think Before You Act

Thinking before you act can be very powerful. You can learn to cut your anger before it even gets to you, and when you successfully catch your thoughts before you get angry, you are well on your way to manage your anger.

It may take a bit of time, but be happy when you, at first, just realize, just figure out the exact process that is making you angry. Then you can work on realizing what is happening internally sooner and sooner, before you can stop it.


Many people are angry because they work all day in the office, they are stressed over their jobs and work they do, and simply have no outlet.

They usually have no time for exercise, or at least they think so. But not getting regular exercise brings lots of tension with it, so you have to make it a priority to find the time to jog, lift weights, or take a walk at least - anything, as long as you keep the body moving.

You will feel better for it - exercise will diminish, if not remove your stress altogether.

Use Humor

Using humor as a mechanism to remove your anger is much more socially acceptable and much healthier for you.

Try and figure out what is funny in a situation that makes you angry. Try to laugh by forcing yourself at first, and later laughter may come naturally.

Our brains don't know the difference between laughing naturally and laughing on purpose - that is why so many people who suck up to their superiors seem like they really enjoy the company of those superiors.


Just relax! It's easy. There are so many ways you can try to relax yourself - from taking a long relaxing walk through the park, to watching your chosen TV show uninterrupted, to taking a massage or going to a hypnotist to help you relax, or maybe even by exercising.

When you are relaxed, it will be much harder to become angry.

I really hope these tips help you. All you have to do is put them to action and change yourself positively.

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