
Consistency In Gratitude Is Never Ridiculous, It Is Always Important

Recently, I found myself in a situation that most people would not be grateful for, and it was a mistake on my part. The way I look at things is like this: Gratitude brings good situations from bad, and makes already good situations better, when gratitude is consistent, things get to perfection level by level. But a little warning here: Situations never start out at perfection, like a seed does not start out a full bloom tree or flower! Indeed, life does not always or even most of the time seem to work out on our timetable. But, when grateful, it does work out well and many times even better than if it was on our own timetable. In fact, I can say and genuinely feel that patience and gratitude go together well.

Without patience and gratitude, there are emotions of fear and anger at things not working out like desired. What do you really think is really meant by the Buddhist saying, rationally meant by me of course, "desire creates suffering"?

When you go by the obvious, there is always pain. When you can go for the not obvious, there is ultimate pleasure, even Master Mind potential. Because going by appearances is a form of normal "keeping up with everyone else". Going by reality really is the genuine road less traveled, because gratitude when things are seemingly going wrong at times seems like the hardest work in existence and is for the person going through the "hellish experience" without knowledge, understanding or even experience with the situation.

The qualifications to be a Master Mind are simply put, yet, they are hard to practice for the normal person, let me explain: Gratitude and patience with all situations, even the worst ones you find yourself in may be extremely hard at the time you are experiencing them, but when it ends like you want or better without you "flying off the handle" in anger or worse, it is worth it. So, I will give a case history of sorts in the next section of this article:

What Made Mohandas K. Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi a Master Mind of the last century (The 20th Century)?

The explanation here is simple, patience, gratitude, understanding and tolerance made him a Master Mind. But, of course, it was developed over years of disappointment, and spiritual searching until he finally found himself at that level. All of his autobiographies, and biographies come down to those four words: Patience, gratitude, understanding and tolerance. But, those who are to genuinely lazy to admit the simple, yet total source of his power get it all wrong, either overtly or subliminally.

The most immortal Master Minds have this in common universally, writing about patience, gratitude, understanding and tolerance. Start by thinking about it, end by becoming a Master Mind. It may take a long time to reach the end and a short time to start, but all worthwhile voyages to where you really want and need to go are worth it.,-It-Is-Always-Important&id=8555957

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