
Are You Having A Bad Day?

Woman Wearing Gray Sweater

Have you ever had a bad day? Maybe you are having a bad day today. What is making this day a bad day? Is it circumstances? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? Is there something else it could be?

I would submit to you that regardless of what happens to you during this "bad day", you can make the best of it. "How", you ask? Through your attitude.

I remember, several years ago, when I was working for a window company cultivating leads to order door. I would knock on the door, greet the individual to answer, give them my prepared talk and ask for an appointment within for a window adviser to meet with them about how efficient their windows were.

On this particular day, I was knocking on the doors doing everything I was supposed to do and I was getting no where. Doors were slammed in my face, I was getting yelled at and I was simply doing my job. I got to the point that I called my supervisor and let him know what was happening and told me to take some time to recuperate and get my head back in the game.

My attitude at that time was very bad and, quite honestly I was having a self-pity party. So, I took some time and I called my then girlfriend, now wife, and she help me reorient my attitude.

In this case, I needed to talk to someone who was not in the same situation I was in and had a different focus than I had so I could refocus on what was right and true in that moment.

After speaking with my girlfriend, I was able to refocus and finish the rest of the day with a better positive attitude and create the results that I desired for that day.

So, as you are going through your day, what challenges are you facing? More importantly, how is your attitude affecting how you view these challenges?

Do you have a poor attitude that is causing you to view things from a very negative perspective so that nothing gets done correctly? Or, are you able to shift to a positive attitude and view these circumstances as a challenge that you are able to solve?

When I am in a challenging situation, I do my best to approach the circumstance with a positive attitude knowing that I have the ability to solve whatever it is I'm facing. The solution may not lie in my own mind, but it may lie in someone else's mind. It's up to me to collaborate with my team so that the solution can be found.

I encourage you today to view your circumstances that you face as challenges that you are fully capable of solving. You may not have the answer in your own mind. But, there are people that you can go to that can help you come up with the correct solution.

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