
Affirmations - The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Take Charge of Your Mind and Dreams Today!

Whilst there are specific affirmations for particular, singular circumstances, all of our thoughts, words and actions are actually forms of affirmation. All that we think, say and do conditions us deep in our subconscious mind. In the process of living, we manifest all of our personal circumstances from the platform of our mind, which plays out in thoughts, words actions and deeds or our karma.

A strong example of affirming and manifesting in the mind is when we look at a place or circumstance with preconceived negative ideas and views. Imagine that we are going to visit another country and through the assistance of a negative friend we conceive the view that this other country is grey and smog filled, the people are obnoxious and we are likely to have our handbag snatched at any given moment. With this implanted in our consciousness, the trip we then take to the overseas country will become rather drab. All the negatives of this country will stand out and glare at us to verify the fears we have implanted. Conversely, if we paint pictures of hope, joy, green fields and pleasant people, we will be greeted by positive delights time and again throughout our overseas visit.

This example is not saying that we do not have our own opinion of things or that the opinions of others completely control our consciousness; however, it does highlight our need as humans to look forward in a positive way, towards the light, the love - the Anahata (Heart Centre) experience in all things. We create all that happens in our lives. Two different people could go to the same place with one having an exceptionally positive time whilst the other person experiences nothing but heartache, despair and negativity. The question is what do we wish for in our lives? Where are we focussing - pessimistically or optimistically - negatively or positively - they both 'attract' what we focus on! It is very important to note that throughout my many years of teaching affirmations I have found that a number of people have a rough time when they begin this process. What tends to happen is that all of the major situations and negative traits in ones life begin to come to the surface and highlight themselves, which can make for low self-esteem if one is not aware of the process. I view this period as a blessing, as it is showing just how much 'stuff' requires 'reprogramming' or 'fixing'; therefore the more that comes to mind or action, is in my humble view, the better! Should you become inundated in such a manner - a comforting and productive procedure is to write down each difficulty or trait as it comes to pass, and over time put them in a priority order in preparation to work on one or two at a time.

Twelve years ago, one of my teachers, "Lea" and I discussed that affirmations can at times be somewhat troublesome, as often the mind will rise up (the ego) with mental responses trying to negate the affirmation. Lea gave an example with an affirmation such as: "The universe provides all I want and need", where we may then find responses in the mind such as, "No, this has not happened in the past, and won't happen now"; "I do not deserve to succeed"; "Maybe for others, but not for me". Consequently, using affirmations without acknowledging the dark and malign aspect of ones nature, may confirm even more failure. It can be helpful to write each negative response as it surfaces, until a shift is felt. The dark and malign aspects must be allowed and acknowledged in some way to avoid repression. Obviously this may be something that could take quite some time to resolve in the depths of ones consciousness; however, as with all things in life, perseverance and positivity will always win the day. If you take the aforementioned affirmation practices seriously, I am confident that you will be pleasantly surprised just how great the personal changes are in your life after just a few months. Don't be startled when your family, friends and associates begin to comment on the "new you".

To finish off, I would like to take you briefly through the topic of dreams. Most people dream - some people do not dream at all - and some cannot remember their dreams. Once spiritual practices such as meditation and dealing with affirmations become a disciplined part of our lives, we are most likely to begin having more dreams. As our subconscious mind opens up, ridding the old and unneeded, it fills up with our positive, new state of awareness. Many people dream in black and white. This often turns to colour as spiritual awareness develops. We are not held accountable by God for our dreams; therefore, if we have a dream where we do terrible things, we need not beat ourselves up about it. Should we have a nightmare or dislike our actions in a dream, a powerful technique is to immediately upon waking, change or finish the dream in our mind in a positive way, with a wonderful storyline of our making. This has the effect of 'storing' the 'new' information in our subconscious mind, leaving a positive imprint; consequently shifting our feelings to the positive; both in relation to the dream and the present waking moment.!&id=8608932

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