
Time Is Too Precious To Waste Loathing

Life is too short to spend on bickering. Do not waste your precious time feeling bitter. Whatever grudge you are holding will just be a detriment to your life's unfolding. Let go of it, before you regret the life you wasted complaining.

There is more in this world you can be thankful for. Just look around you and you will see the gifts that surround you. The sky which may not be always clear is an evidence that it is a wide world you inhabit, and that you may explore anytime you like. The ground you stand on may not always be solid, but alas, at least you are standing still. You may any moment fall or roll, but you could always stand proud that you subdued the trial. The air you breath in is just a proof that you are alive and that it is ever so free, similar to how so ever you are free to choose a better tomorrow. The trees and plants around you, which almost no one bothers to care for, are still there subsisting and growing, and will only be completely scorched if everything else is gone.

Imagine yourself living in the past when there were very few of what you have now. Are you not more than lucky today? You have more resources to use to improve your life or change whatever it is to change. Do not bother proving yourself to somebody who probably is not even bothered about you. Instead be busy taking advantage of the blessings that had been brought to you. Ponder on memories that will uplift your spirit; take a break on issues that are unappealing. Engulf on tasks that will give you satisfaction and will leave you no room to contest.

Time is something you never can beat. It never slows down let alone stops, nor it is not going to play backward to change its pace, and it just goes on and on. However you, even if you pause and turn again and again, your life will come to an end. So think! Do not be inane pulling yourself back on things that give pain than gain. Replete every minute of you with happy thoughts and feelings. Engage in activities that will make your day fulfilling. Fill in the lonely gaps with peace and consolation; find no pleasure in thrusting implication. Stop your habit of looking back to people, events or things you are angry about because it will just go up in smoke. Always remember that time is not going to wait for you, and you will reach the finish line saying, if only I have more time.

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