
Staying Focused on Your Goals

Photo of Woman Lifting Dumbbell

It is so easy to tell yourself that you are going to accomplish something new or a goal, but what happens when this task takes longer than you had allowed for? Your motivation starts to disappear and quite often you give up on the idea altogether.

It definitely can be hard staying focused on your goals. Weight loss is a fine example of this. If you have ever tried to lose weight you know your enthusiasm is so high for the first week or two. As you make lifestyle changes the pounds drop off quickly and you are feeling great about your efforts.

A few weeks into your diet you plateau and don't lose any weight. You start to eat a little more or stop exercising as much and then before you know it you have abandoned your goal and have gone back to your old habits.

There are several reasons for this. First you may not have recognized that plateauing is a perfectly normal occurrence when it comes to losing weight. Secondly did you use not losing any weight as an excuse to have that extra treat or to miss a workout? Your mind can do wonderful things and is capable of coming up with hundreds of reasons to not do something.

Quick Tips for Staying Focused and Motivated:

• Set smaller goals - small goals lead to big achievement
• Keep a calendar, food tracker or exercise planner to keep you on track
• Share your goals with someone else - accountability buddy
• Join a group of people with the same goals - inspirational group to motivate you

By creating smaller goals you won't feel as overwhelmed when your results start to dwindle or slow down. If you break this down further into weekly targets you can easily stay focused longer. It isn't as hard to do something new from a Monday to Friday as it is to think about doing it for months at a time.

Next you really need to be honest with yourself. If you have lost 15 pounds before you hit that plateau then congratulate yourself on that achievement. Focus on what you have done and not where you have to go! This is why it is often a good reason to keep photos of your weight loss journey. When you are feeling down take a look at them and remember what you did look like.

By changing your mindset to be more positive and staying focused on your goals you will create better results. If you want to skyrocket your success and improve your overall life, take action today and set your goals to live a satisfying life. Just put it on the calendar and do it, one step at a time.

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