
Message From the Universe: Visualization at Its Best

"Really and truly, having, doing, and being requires so little when you visualize them already done.

So little,
The Universe"

Visualizing events that has not yet occurred but the feeling is so palpable is a must to attracting great things in your life. I am not saying to go and buy a Ferrari or try to qualify for a 10 000 000 dollar home when you only make 50 000 dollars salary. However, shopping around for that home or looking for the dealership to where you will buy that Ferrari is telling the Universe that you are confident enough that these things will materialize. Keep on feeling it, every single day of your life, because one day, you will be sitting at that dealership signing the paperwork for your exotic car and shop around for furniture to fill that 10 000 Sqft mansion. Do not worry about the HOW it will happen, just focus on it already happening. This is already the beginning of a chain of events that will bring you to the place where you will see your life change drastically, and ONLY for the better. I am sure you are reading this and wondering what I am smoking at this moment, but you need to understand that the power of your subconscious mind is stronger that anything you would ever imagine. Telepathic and telekinetic powers comes from the subconscious mind, and if your mind can move things by just looking at them, imagine what it can do by just thinking.

You can unleash that power from within and take advantage of the many gift you have been given, especially the ones that has to be with making things happen in your life. Just try it for once but don't do it half-ass. If you will think about something, believe it that it will happen, and not just do it because you were being advised to do so. Without belief, nothing will happen, even if you think about the process. You need to feel that it is happening, that all your thoughts will become things and by taking it a step further, like for example, meditating, you are increasing your psychic awareness and changing the way your mind work in every aspect. Meditation allows you to take a moment for yourself and work on modifying chain of events that hasn't worked the way you expected but re-calibrate the path you want it to take. That is the beauty of meditation. You are the pilot of the aircraft and you can disconnect auto-pilot and change direction of wherever you want it to go. If you feel anything odd about the path you are in, just change it. Nothing in life is set for eternity, so take action when your inner voice tells you. Always listen to the voice from within to direct you where you need to be. The rest is up to you. Make sure the nose gear is down and ready to land the plane. Roger that?

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