
Message From the Universe: Relationship's Realities

"It's rather easy to let go of the past, once you realize that no matter how differently things might have gone, you still couldn't be loved more than you now are. Nor could you have more to look forward to.

Don't-cha think?
The Universe"

We all went through really bad relationships/marriages in the past that molded our personality in a way you would have never imagined. Many are left with scars that are very difficult to remove, hence, bring their fear of being abandoned into the new relationship. That fear is based on how the previous relationship ended, depends if you were the one who broke their heart or you got yours broken. Staying in a toxic relationship for the sake of doing so, to avoid the stigma of failure, isn't healthy either. With 50% rate of divorce happening in this country, we are all accustomed to meet someone who dealt or is going through this depressing predicament. Divorce is so common that if you meet someone that is first time married for over 20 years, there is DEFINITELY something with that couple.

I am not saying that divorce is imminent in every relationships, and that we are all destined to suffer from that ordeal no matter how hard we work on it, but the reality is that as long as you learn from your past experience and NEVER bring the same unresolved issues in the next relationship, you will learn how to do things better and grow spiritually from it. We all make mistakes, no one is perfect and we should all accept that fact. When two people get together in a relationship, they both bring it their share of insecurities, questions, concerns, issues and always wonder how this new loving partnership can work in synergy. As long as you both are ready to make it happen and to communicate daily to what bothers you or concerns you the most, you will already be ahead among the 7.1 billion of people living on our planet. Communication is key and it is easy to forgo it in the fear of hurting the other person. When this trend continues, the party who want to express themselves because of certain behavioral patterns that are not desirable from the other party in question, the anger and frustration grows until it explodes, and when it does, OUCH, all hell break loose. Let me ask you this? Who is at fault? The person for holding in or the one for not knowing how to change their behavior because of lack of communication? If you are discontent about something, share it with your partner IMMEDIATELY. Do not hold it in. Tell it as it is, yes, it might sting, but that will save you from potential delayed nightmares in the near future.

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