
Working in the Flow Reduces Stress (By Anne O'Dwyer)

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Do you want to achieve more in less time? To enjoy what you do and feel happier and more alive? The answer lies in getting into the flow more often. You will have noticed when you are spending time on a hobby or something you love the hours seem to flash by. You are totally immersed in what you are doing and may not even hear the door bell.

As a child I read a lot and was immediately lost in the story I was reading. I do still find I can easily become absorbed in a simple task like sewing, decorating or even washing-up. It is now called being present in the now.

Nowadays I find noises like the TV or people talking are harder to ignore especially if what I am reading is more complicated or I am doing a task on my laptop. Pursuing this line of thinking I discovered a video on YouTube that gave some interesting pointers into getting into the flow.

First find things you love doing and have a passion for. Which explains how hobbies are one of the easiest ways of getting into the flow, and we have probably all experienced this blissful state when we are absorbed in something we love doing.

Skill levels - If what you are doing matches your skill level for that task it is easier to become absorbed. If we feel it is too simple and not worth our time we may feel bored. On the other hand if it is way beyond your skill level you are likely to become stressed. Therefore when learning something new break it down into small bites and it will be easier to learn, better remembered, and less stressful.

Eliminating distractions like interruptions, noise, telephones etc. or being disturbed, will help you relax into the task in hand.

Have clarity in what you are attempting to achieve, know what your aims for the task are and as much about it as possible before you start. Again consider your skill level and take small steps if you are learning something you are not familiar with.

Focus on what you are doing in the moment, leave other problems till later. The only task that needs attention right now is the job in hand.

All this takes time and practice and maybe a new way of looking at things. However you will feel more relaxed at the end of the day and are likely to have achieved more. If you can use these practices in your working life you will feel more motivated and you will look forward to your work with more enthusiasm.

Also learn to expect success and a good outcome for your task or project and you will find you feel less stressed and happier and in time serendipity will surprise you, by playing its part. You are likely to start finding you are in the right place at the right time. The brain is capable of much more than we think or understand at present, but the subconscious always guides you towards what you dwelling on, make sure it is what you want to happen!

The joy of feeling in the flow is one of the reasons I chose to work at home. To me the peace of my own surroundings against working in a busy office was of paramount importance. I could also tailor my work to my preferences and talents and out-source tasks I find tedious of difficult. I have an affiliate marketing business which, with the guidance of a mentor has allowed me to earn commissions whilst I learnt the techniques.

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