
Why Are You Still Holding Onto That Piece Of Pooh?

Did you know that any life draining habit you have has the potential to open you up to your untapped sources of sustainable and vibrant energy?

So if you have issues with seeking validation from external sources such as friends, your children, your spouse, inanimate objects and even strangers - you know what?... you have hit a gold mine!

When you rely on yourself for validation you develop an internal source of power that instantly benefits you in immense ways. Because this power is cultivated internally, it causes your core values to strengthen and thus you can positively grow in any direction that you choose - no longer reliant on what anyone says.

The other choice you have in life is to seek validation and approval from other people, strangers or even just a construct of 'other' is enough to retard some people!

Relying on others to make you 'valid' not only destroys any sense of self worth, but you live a life of moving with fear rather than through it - a life where you are controlled by others, making it virtually impossible to realize your potential!

When you seek to validate yourself through others you become an addict to external sources of power. As an addict you rapidly lose trust in yourself, which in turn weakens your ability to focus and have faith in your internal goals... what truly matters to you... what gives you purpose and meaning in life!

What I have come to realize for myself is this -

When working with addiction - 'who' or 'what' you seek validation from is of little matter. And by focusing on 'who' or 'what' you seek to validate you actually slow down your own healing process, because again you are focusing on the 'external' source in order to heal what is ultimately an 'internal' issue.

If you have cultivated the habit to seek validation from others you can be sure that you also been actively cultivating aversion to focusing internally within. You may find it hard to stay grounded, stay true to your core values, attract healthy relationships, reach personal goals, drain your spouse/kids, be disciplined and are easily distracted.

It doesn't help that epidemic levels of social media, that encourage people's capacity for external validation, are there to distract you at every turn! Therefore more than ever we need to validate our own path and practice.

So how do you stop seeking validation from others?

The answer is simple.

[OK now for the bit about pooh... ]

If you had a piece of pooh in your hand would you hold onto it; looking at it carefully, studying its texture etc? No way! Of course you would drop that piece of pooh right on the floor - no need to wait for validation to drop it, right?! It is a piece of pooh after all and not something that you want in your hand one second longer thank you very much!

The same goes for letting go of the need to seek validation from others... just drop it.

Then ask yourself the following questions again and again in order to re-educate yourself through your own cleansing honesty.

Is seeking validation from others draining me?

Has it increased my suffering?

If the answer is 'Yes' and 'Yes' then it is time for you to stand on your own two feet, reconcile who you are and when around others contain your own energy by staying focused on observing yourself - whether it be your breath, your activity, your hands, your feet, dharmic practice... basically whatever works!

It is really simple and may feel strange at first to go inside for recognition. You may feel vulnerable. That's good... keep at it!

As you change you may even feel the urge to get angry and blame all those you have been using to make you valid! Remember that the validation you truly seek comes from inside. Let go of struggling with external forces and focus where it counts - inside - in you.

Your Spiritual path will surely accelerate as you drop that piece of pooh and discover the gold mine of internal resources within!

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