
Message From the Universe: Perceiving Appearances

Man Wearing Black Tank Top and Brown Shorts Climbing Rock

"Courageous is the soul who adventures into time and space to learn of their divinity. For while they cannot lose, they can think they have, and the loss will seem intolerable. And while they cannot fail, they can think they have, and the pain will seem unbearable. And while they cannot ever be less than they truly are - powerful, eternal, and loved - they can think they are, and all hope will seem lost.

And therein lies their test. A test of perceptions: of what to focus on, of what to believe in, in spite of appearances.

The Universe"

This post probably is talking to many and giving him to all humanity. You might feel like everything you do is not rendering the results you were expecting, or the fortune and glory you were wishing for. You will think that no matter what you do and how hard you work will just be a complete waste of time. So you wonder, What am I doing? Where am I going with all of this? What should I do or pursue? All these feelings of uncertainties, doubts, questioning your own value, wondering the reasons why you were put in this earth. No humans strive to lose or fail or anything else in that aspect but without it, you will never be able to define yourself as the person you were meant to be. Yes, it is painful to lose, or fail, or lose hope in what you thought would change the world. You decide what you want to do after facing the end results to all your hopes and dreams. If they end up with success, then great for you. If not, will you just abandon or lose hope for life? Will you just stop living?

Sometimes it can be difficult to face challenges when they all come to you at one time, but no matter how quick or hard they hit, you need to face them and work around them to find the best solution. Remember that the best solution is YOUR solution. Asking advice to others will just blur your judgement and affect your decision making process. You are the ONLY one who can have direct effect on all outcomes of your life and make the necessary changes needed to come out a winner. The key is to keep calm throughout the process and not alarm yourself at every little potholes in your path to happiness. There might be plenty of them so you need to walk or run around them to avoid falling and getting hurt. Life will constantly test you, here and there, with some little deserved breaks in between. You really have a couple of choices here. Either you wish to live a very calm and non eventful life and not see much return from it or what to risk it all and experience great rewards. You need to tell the Universe what you want. Nothing will be smooth sailing and witness great success. You can't have your cake and eat it too. So what will you choose? Serene life with nothing much to show for OR very active and challenging life that will render AMAZING success.

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