
In Time, You Will Thank Me For This Article (By Joshua Clayton)

Woman Standing on Cliff

The use of affirmation does not take chance, luck or silly fear. It takes time and patience. But, how many of us do have that. Although, you may get a little offended by the answer, I am going to answer that question. Rhetorically, I can say this: You do not have time to do them, you do not have patience to wait for results, and you want it now! Other than that, affirmations work just fine for anyone, including you. So, be warned, this article is not for the few that have patience and time, and a realistic viewpoint. In a sense, I am humorously insulting you with a challenge to have the patience and realism to better your life.

Right now, I am thinking of self-hypnosis and autosuggestion concepts and the fact that they are actually easy to master, especially when you have the patience and realistic viewpoint to conquer yourself over time and work. But that is just it, you have to let it all seep into your subconscious like good sticky Asian, slow-cooked rice or soup. Indeed, the most powerful concepts of affirmation are those types of affirmation which involve self-hypnosis and autosuggestion, also (as I have realized) you have to allow them to work, you cannot force any issue or expedite the results. So, I ask this challenging question in the next paragraph:

Is there any reason you need it "now"? If there is, I understand. If there is not, I still understand, but I say have patience and be willing to put in the time and effort that you instinctively know it will take, it will work.

Speed is not power, but persistence is really power like a train engine locomotive working out to its highest speed slowly, but surely. My Dad lost his foot in 1979 to diabetes, and he wanted to get rid of his ghost limb feeling through hypnosis so he could get on with his life, and through that insufferable patience I inherited from him, he did, through a program of self-hypnosis and patient massage, care and understanding. The point and moral to that little sentence about my Dad is that through your own efforts and patient work you can empower yourself fully and master yourself. But through impatience and laziness, you will not even get out of the door on time.

After all, how do you think I overcame childhood asperger syndrome and adult onset schizo-affective disorder to be coherent, honest and intelligent enough to write this challenging, powerful and probing article that challenges you to master and take power over yourself? I consider myself only starting on the road, but I am always working on it, that is all I can say for myself humbly in this article.,-You-Will-Thank-Me-For-This-Article&id=8360427

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